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The Research on Protections for Rural Women's Land Rights

导  师: 谢根成

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 在城市化脚步不断加快的同时,伴随着农业现代化的逐步实现,农民纷纷进城务工的现象屡见不鲜,农村妇女逐渐成为农业生产的主力,她们对土地的依赖也不断加大。然而,农村妇女的土地权益在承包地的分配、土地承包经营权入股分红、征用地的补偿、宅基地的分配等方面都受到了严重侵害,极度影响农村妇女的生活,阻碍农村社会的稳定和发展建设。由于各方面原因,农村妇女不但难以拥有与男性平等的地位,在其遭遇土地权益的侵害时,也很难得到应有的保障。虽然我国法律针对农村妇女土地权益有明确的保护,但存在不完善与过于原则的地方。因此,农村妇女的土地权益的保障问题不容小觑,亟待我们解决。笔者根据提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的思路,对农村妇女土地权益保障问题进行研究,发表自己的观点,希望能够对这一问题的解决有所帮助。本文共四部分: 第一部分为农村妇女土地权益的概述。本部分首先通过对土地权益的概念作出界定,并对农村妇女土地权益所包含的内容进行明确,以明晰其各个构成要素;进而阐述保障农村妇女土地权益的重大意义,论证对农村妇女土地权益进行保障的必要性。 第二部分为农村妇女土地权益受侵害的具体表现。本部分阐释了未婚、已婚、离异、丧偶等不同身份妇女的承包地、宅基地分配、土地分红等权益受侵害的具体现状,根据不同的类型进行分析,以此来探究这一问题的解决途径。 第三部分为农村妇女土地权益受侵害的原因分析。本部分从“从夫”思想、文化水平及政治参与、村民自治以及法律制度的不足等方面分析农村妇女土地权益受侵害的原因,试着阐明农村妇女土地权益受侵害这一现象是如何发生的,希望通过这些分析对问题的解决有所帮助,使相关的制度构建更加具有针对性。 第四部分为农村妇女土地权益的保障措施。本部分根据上文对农村妇女土地权益受侵害的原因分析,针对思想到制度等不同的方面存在的问题,阐明笔者对农村妇女土地权益受侵害的问题解决的具体建议,以期现状得以改进,更好地实现男女平等与社会繁荣。 It has been a common phenomenon that farmers come to city to hunt for a job,simultaneously with the accelerating pace of urbanization and the progressiverealization of agricultural modernization. As a result, rural women have beenbecoming the main force of agricultural production, which increasing theirdependence on the land. However, rural women's land rights which includedistribution of contractual land, bonus of the contractual right of land to be ashareholder, compensation for expropriation of land, and distribution of house site,suffered serious violations. It affects the lives of rural women and hampersconstruction of rural social stability and development seriously. Because of variousreasons, rural women are not only difficult to have equal status with men, but alsohard to get due protection when rights are violated. Though our laws on rural women'sland rights are protected explicitly, there is somewhere imperfect and too general.Therefore it is significant to solve the problem urgently. According to the thought ofasking, analyzing and solving the problem, the author studied on protections for ruralwomen's land rights and gave hers own opinions to hope to solve this problem. Thereare four parts in this article: The first part is the overview of rural women's land rights. This part defined theconception of land rights and rural women’s land rights at first to explain theconstituent elements. Then it expounds the significant meaning of the protection ofrural women’s land right and proves the necessity of this issue.The second part is the specific phenomenon of violation of rural women’s land rights.This part explains the unmarried, married, divorced and widowed women’s specificviolation, which includes distribution of contractual land and house site and bonus ofthe contractual right of land to be a shareholder. According to above analysis, theauthor tries to find out the solution of this issue. The third part is the reasons of violation of rural women’s land rights. This partanalyzes the reasons of violation of rural women’s land rights in different aspectswhich includes the thought of "follow husband", the level of education, theparticipation of politics, villagers' autonomy and the imperfectness of legal systemand tries to explain how it happened. What the author did above is to help to solve this problem and make the system more pointed. The fourth part is the actions of the protection of rural women’s land rights. This partgives specific advice on solution to the violation of rural women’s land rightsaccording to above analysis, which aims to change the current situation and achievegender equality and prosperity.

关 键 词: 农村妇女 土地权益 保障 从夫 思想 村规民约

分 类 号: [D921 D923.9 D922.32 D923.8]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 原静
作者 李旭光
作者 赵翠萍
作者 杜奋根
作者 梁伟健


机构 广东财经大学
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 中共韶关市委党校
机构 中山大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚