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Research on the Civil Execution Auction System

导  师: 罗筱琦

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 在民事执行程序中,拍卖是实现涉诉财产或财产权价值最大化的重要手段,直接关系债权人债权的实现程度。我国对民事执行拍卖的研究起步较晚,尚未形成稳定的理论体系和立法体系。2012年修订的《民事诉讼法》明确规定法院对查封、扣押的财产“应当拍卖”,在立法上明确了法院在执行拍卖中的主体地位。本文将以此为基础,对民事执行拍卖制度进行全面研究,在民事执行拍卖公法性质的基础上,以分权制衡及权利保护为基本原理,对其实施主体及拍卖方式进行剖析,进而完善民事执行拍卖的程序设置、救济与监督机制,搭建民事执行拍卖的完整体系。除引言外,本文共四个部分: 第一章民事执行拍卖的一般考察。对民事执行拍卖进行界定,通过与任意拍卖的对比,归纳其基本特征,阐述其基本原则。进而,评析民事执行拍卖性质的三种学说,分析我国采取公法契约说的必要性和合理性,确立我国民事执行拍卖制度的基础。 第二章民事执行拍卖的实施主体和拍卖方式。本章的核心问题是法院应当自行拍卖抑或委托拍卖。通过对我国实践的考察及域外经验的总结可知,执行腐败的根源在于其权力不受监督。我国应强化法院在执行拍卖中的主体地位及当事人的程序权利,采取以法院自行拍卖为主、法院主导下的委托拍卖和变卖为补充的拍卖方式,同时将执行机关二元体制改革作为法院自行拍卖的机构保障。 第三章民事执行拍卖的程序。阐述我国民事执行拍卖程序的立法现状,分析执行拍卖各阶段存在的问题,通过考察比较,提出执行拍卖程序在期日确定、价格评估、保证金形式、拍卖公告、竞价方式、优先购买权保护、拍卖成交确认程序及不动产强制管理等八方面的改进措施。 第四章民事执行拍卖的救济与监督。首先,对民事执行拍卖的效力进行界分,阐明合法执行拍卖的效力及瑕疵执行拍卖的救济方式。进而,对民事执行拍卖的救济制度进行详述,具体方式包括:拍卖过程中的执行异议、异议之诉以及拍卖结束后的认定拍卖无效、损害赔偿之诉及国家赔偿。执行拍卖的监督主要有法院系统内部监督以及检察机关的外部监督。 In civil enforcement procedure, the auction decided the realization of the value of the subjectmatter, also is closely related to the realization of executive creditors' rights. The civilprocedure law revised in2012established the court "should auction" on attachment,attachment. This paper will discuss civil execution auction theory and system systematically,and clarify the connotation and legal nature of the civil execution auction, on the basis of this,analysis “who is responsible for the auction” and construct a complete civil executiveauction procedures. In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into four parts:The first chapter is the definition of civil execution auction. The civil execution auction is topoint to the enforcement activities that, in the civil enforcement program, actuator willsealing, distributing execution of the debtor’s property in competitive bidding mode, selectthe highest bidder for “should buy”, and will have the subject matter changed into price ofgold. The nature of the civil execution auction is the foundation of the civil executive auctionprogram structure, the legal nature civil of the executive auction should be location forpublic law contract said. The second chapter is the implementation subject and auction way of the civil executionauction. The reform of civil execution auction have been around the main line as “who isresponsible for the auction”. Therefore, the enforcement rules shall set up a division andcompliance, and to realize the separation of powers, at the same time, strengthen the subjectposition in the implementation procedure. On this basis, China can build up courtindependent auction as the foundation, the parties may choose to trust auction way as thecomplement of the auction system. The third chapter is the program settings of the civil execution auction. In the auctionpreparation program, the auction period should be determined, evaluated the subject matterfor sale price, determined the reserve price and margin, issued to an auction notice, showedthe subject matter. In the auction implementation procedure, guaranteed the right of theimplementation, holders of preemptive right and other interested parties, and to suspend orterminate the auction, build special auction system in unable auction, in order to promote theattachment of the subject matter to clinch a deal. The fourth chapter is the relief and supervision to civil executive auction. According towhether there are defects, the auction behavior can be divided into legal execution auctionand defects executive auction. Defects executive auction can be divided into illegal execution auction and improper execution auction. It needs the the objection to execution,the debtor objection lawsuit, to raise the third person's lawsuit, reversed the statecompensation, damage compensation lawsuit, etc to relief the right of the trespassers. Inaddition, through execution supervision, the implementation of the separation of powers andbalances of decision and compliance in internal court and and procuratorial organs of theexternal supervision, realize the “power-power”supervision and control.

关 键 词: 民事执行拍卖 公法契约说 法院自行拍卖 程序 救济

分 类 号: [D925.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 邵俊武
作者 吴树
作者 卫建国
作者 张慧杰
作者 何淑贤


机构 中山大学法学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚