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Study on the Copyright Issues of Imitation Works

导  师: 刘平

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 关于临摹作品可版权性问题的讨论,无论在法学界还是在艺术界都不是一个新鲜话题。然而,由于学科限制,知识产权界的学者往往无法深入了解艺术品的真正内涵,使得法学界对临摹作品可版权性问题的研究无异于隔靴搔痒。正因为知识产权界的学者,对艺术品的理解往往流于表象,不能将版权中的独创性原则与艺术品的本质特征真正结合起来考虑,理论界难以给出正确的引导。从而在司法实践中临摹作品的版权纠纷案件的判决有偏颇之处也就再所难免。在不同的艺术品又有着各自不同的审美基本观点以及他们的内涵也存在极大的差异。其中,又以我国书法、国画作品的特点最为鲜明、内涵也最为丰富。正因如此,本文试图以书法、国画临摹作品为重点,从书画临摹作品本身的特征出发,并结合独创性这一享有版权的必要条件,进而为临摹美术作品可版权问题的研究提供一个新的思路。并试图提出关于临摹作品独创性判断的,主观标准与客观标准。希望能为我国临摹作品可版权问题所面临的理论与实践问题的解决略尽绵薄。 笔者将在引言部分提出我国临摹作品可版权性问题研究的必要性和简要分析造成当前理论界所面临的困境的原因,从而得出必须结合相关学科理论知识的看法。 正文第一章将简要介绍有关临摹及临摹作品的基本问题,包括临摹的概念与分类以及临摹作品的基本特征。这是对临摹作品可版权性问题研究的基本前提条件;独创性是世界公认的作品享有版权的实质条件,临摹作品若想享有版权自然也不能例外,因此第二章的重点在于分析临摹作品的独创性问题。本章第一节将介绍我国相关立法及法学界、书画界对临摹作品可版权问题的看法。第二节介绍国外关于作品独创性的相关理论。由于我国台湾地区在书法、绘画以及传统文化等方面与我国有诸多相似之处,因此在第三节中将台湾地区的相关理论单独列出。在对不同地区的理论进行梳理与比较分析后,结合司法实践,笔者将确立符合一定条件的临摹作品可以享受版权的基本立场。本文第三章,将在第一、二章分析的基础上,结合三则临摹作品版权侵权纠纷案例,尝试提出判断临摹作品独创性的主观标准与客观标准。并对专家证人制度的引进提出自己的看法。第四章将结合临摹作品的特殊性,提出对临摹作品的版权保护以及权利限制。结论部分本文将从前文的分析中得出对临摹作品的可版权性问题只能在遵循以独创性原则为中心结合艺术品基本审美观点的基础上,具体问题具体分析的基本看法,以及从现阶段看将其定位为改编作品较为合适的基本观点。 Whether in the intellectual property community or in the art world, the issue of the copyworks copyright is not a fresh subject. However, because the lack of artistic disciplinesbackground, intellectual property scholars often cannot understand the true meaning of art,the intellectual property community of imitation works copyright problem is tantamount toattempt an ineffective solution. The understanding of law community of the work of art isoften surface and they can’t combine the copyright originality principle and artcharacteristics in effectively. Because it is difficult for theory of the law to give correctguidance about the problem of copying works copyright, in the judicial practice ofcopyright dispute case decisions biases which is also inevitable. There are great differentamong different kinds of art works. Among them, the characteristics of Chinese calligraphy,Chinese painting works are the most distinct, and has the most abundant connotation.Therefore, this paper tries to take calligraphy, painting copying arts as the focus, startingfrom the features of arts own, and with the necessary conditions of the original copyright,which provides a new idea for the study of copying works of art can be the copyrightproblem. In the article tried to put forward of subjective and objective standards of thecopyright of copy works judgment. If only this paper can give a little help to solve theproblems of the theory and practice of facing our country can copy the works of copyrightissues. In the introduction part I will put forward the view that the solution of the copyright ofimitation works in China which the current theoretical research plight must be combinedwith knowledge related discipline theory. The first chapter will introduces the basic questions about copying and imitation works,such as the concept and the classification and characteristics. This is the basic prerequisiteof imitation works of copyright; The second chapter is the analysis of painting andcalligraphy imitation works originality. In the first section of this chapter I will introducethe relevant legislation and theory. The second section I will introduce the theory about theoriginality of foreign. Because of China's Taiwan region and China continent have manysimilarities in calligraphy, painting and traditional culture, therefore the third section will beseparately listed. After comparison and analysis and combined with the judicial practice, achoice will be made. The basic position and then establish the qualified copying the worksof calligraphy and painting can enjoy copyright. In the third chapter, firstly, on the basis ofthe analysis about the former two chapters, combined with the some copyright infringement dispute case, try to put forward the judging standard copy originality and objectivestandards. And proposed the view about the introduce to the expert witness system. Thefourth chapter will combine the particularity of imitation works, the protection andrestriction of imitation works. The conclusion from the above analysis of imitation workscopyright problems only in follow the originality principle as the center of basic artaesthetic views on the basic ideas, specific analysis of specific issues, as well as from thepresent position it as the basic point of adaptation works more appropriate.

关 键 词: 临摹作品 可版权性 独创性 版权侵权

分 类 号: [D923.41]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 顾丹
作者 吴扬
作者 左祥宾
作者 尚慧
作者 曾金


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学外国语学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚