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On the Application of the Clause of "Waiver of Right to Object" in Procedure of International Commercial Arbitration

导  师: 马永梅

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 国际商事仲裁作为一种平等主体间解决争端的方式之一,起源于商事交易活动的发展需要,由于其具有天然的高效性和便捷性,在实践中被广泛采用并发挥越来越重要的作用。世界绝大部分国家和各大国际商事仲裁机构为了适用国际商事贸易仲裁的发展需要,都不断地在更新和完善各自的仲裁规制和仲裁法律制度。其中,“异议权放弃条款”被纳入到了仲裁规则和仲裁法的具体条文和制度中。比较有代表性的就是《联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规制》,该规则第30条规定:当事人一方知道有不遵照本规则的任何规定或要求行事的情况,仍进行仲裁程序而不迅速声明它对此中不遵照规定或者要求行事的情况表示反对,则应视为他已经放弃提出反对的权利,这一条款被学界称之为“异议权放弃条款”。后来,随着国际商事仲裁的发展,这一条款被很多国家仲裁法和仲裁机构的仲裁规则所吸收并加以完善。但是,我国《仲裁法》对此却没有明确规定,这无疑是一大缺憾。“异议权放弃条款”旨在督促当时人在冲裁程序中及时行使仲裁权利,避免造成仲裁资源浪费,对于维护仲裁双方当事人权利都具有积极作用,其在国际商事仲裁中显得愈发重要。因此,加强对“异议权放弃条款”的研究,不仅有利于丰富我国仲裁理论和实践,发展和完善我国仲裁法律制度,更重要的是促进我国商事仲裁与国际接轨,增强我国仲裁机构的国际话语权,促进我国仲裁事业的国际化发展。 The international commercial arbitration as a form of solving disputes among equalsubjects,originated from the need of trade activity of commercial affairs,it is being widelyused and playing an increasingly important role in practice,due to its high-efficient qualityand convenience.In order to meet the need of the development of international commercialarbitration,Most of the countries and major international commercial arbitration institutionsare constantly updated and improved their arbitration regulatory and arbitrationsystem.Among them,the clause of “waiver of the right to object”is set up into the regulationof arbitration and the system of specific provisions.the UNCITRAL is morerepresentative,The provisions of Rule30is that “a party who knows that any provision of,orrequirement under,the arbitration rules has not been complied with and yet proceeds withthe arbitration without promptly stating his objection to such non-compliance,shall bedeemed to have waived his right to object”.Afterwards,with the development of theinternational commercial arbitration,this provision is absorbed by many arbitration laws andarbitration institutions,and then improved very much. However,It is undoubtedly a bigpity that this clause is not clearly defined in our Arbitration Law.this clause plays a role tourge the parties of arbitration to exert their rights as soon as possible,and void of wastage ofarbitration resources,have a positive effect on both parties.Therefore, having a deep researchon the clause of waiver of the right to object,not only have advantage to rich our theory andpractice of arbitration,and then do good to the development and improvement of ourarbitration system,but also have access to promote China's commercial arbitration tointernational standards,enhanced our international arbitration voice,and finally promote thedevelopment of international arbitration.

关 键 词: 国际商事仲裁 异议权放弃条款 仲裁法

分 类 号: [D997.4]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 陈林光
作者 沈文朋
作者 邹淑珍


机构 南方医科大学
机构 广东培正学院法律学系
机构 广东工业大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 中山大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚