导 师: 彭雷清
学科专业: 1251
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东财经大学
摘 要: 随着经济全球化和商品经济市场的发展和壮大,直销模式也加快了全球化的进程,并越来越显露出其重要性。作为一个入世后的发展中国家,直销对于我国而言也是不可或缺的。直销在中国的发展不仅为我国提供了大量的就业岗位还在很大程度上拉动了经济增长。所以,直销开始越来越受到我国的关注,《直销管理条例》和《禁止传销条例》的颁布就是最好的证明,我们不仅重视直销,还在国外直销的基础上发展具有中国特色的直销模式。 本文将通过理论探索总结围绕直销的三个大方面展开,首先是直销的内涵,然后是直销的形式,最后就是比较直销相对于非法传销而言有什么不同之处。本文以保健食品为例,通过分析保健食品行业的发展现状和特点,总结直销在保健食品行业的发展趋势和原因,以及在未来的发展中应该注意的一些问题。然后,我们通过比较传统的直销模式和网络直销模式,指出传统直销模式在我国保健食品企业存在销售管理和渠道效率的问题,而网络直销模式则更加有利于保健食品的推广和发展,并且以南方李锦记保健食品公司为例,证明网络直销模式在未来保健食品企业中发挥着不可替代的作用。 With the development of commodity economy and the expansion ofthe market, selling has become more and more obviously direct way to globalization.Of course as a WTO developing countries, direct marketing is indispensable for ourcountry. Development of direct selling in Chinese provides jobs whichstill largely promoted the economic growth in china. Therefore, direct marketing isbecoming more and more emphasized in China. The prohibition of marketingregulations and direct management ordinance are the best proofs. We now payattention to direct sales, direct sales model which has Chinese characteristicdevelopment is still the basis of foreign model. This paper will use the theoretical exploration summing up around three aspectsof direct expansion, the first is the direct selling concept, then the form ofdirect, finally is the direct relative to the illegal pyramid selling which has somedifference. We take health food as an example to analyzes the development status andcharacteristics of health food and summarize the marketing development trends inthe health food industry. The reason and some problems should be paid attention to inthe future. Then, the paper points out that the traditional direct salesmodel in sales management and channel efficiency in the industry of our countryhealth food issues, and network marketing model is more conducive to the promotionand development of health food. Taking the South Lee Kum Kee health food companyas an example, the paper proves the direct sales network model playing anirreplaceable role in the health food industry in the future.
分 类 号: [F274 F426.82]