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From the Individual of Units to the Labor-a Upgrade Idea of Chinese Humanism Management

导  师: 王海传

学科专业: 030205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 管理理念是管理经验的凝炼与升华。作为人类智慧的一个独立分支,管理理念自从产生来就存在着管理的主体、管理的客体即所谓管理的二元结构的关系问题。在管理系统中,管理主体占有管理的有利资源,能够充分发挥作为主体的自主性、能动性、创造性,是能够支配和主导管理客体的一方;管理客体则处于被支配和被主导的地位,分享少部分或者不能分享管理的资源。 现代管理产生于美洲,它是工业革命的必然产物,现代管理理念更多地服从于、服务于产品的增长和劳动生产率的提高,即管理理念更多地呈现为马克思所说的人的发展的物的依赖性阶段:“在现代世界,生产表现为人的目的,而财富则表现为生产的目的。”①作为管理的理念,管理的主体经由为了神、为了君主、为了资本所有者的历史嬗变;而管理的客体即农业劳动者和手工业劳动者一直被看成是为神、为君主、为资本所有者创造农业财富和手工业财富的工具和玩偶。中国的管理实践、管理理念历史悠久,但中国更多地表现为自然经济基础上的管理实践、管理经验。1956年②,社会主义中国完成了三大改造,进入了计划经济时代,单位成为国家管理社会的基本单元。从1956年到1978年十一届三中全会以前,单位人的管理理念主导了中国的社会发展进程。改革开放以来,中国的所有制制度和社会结构发生了剧烈变迁,出现了新的社会阶层。中国人逐渐从单位的束缚中解脱出来成为可以凭借自身努力实现自己的价值的劳动的个人。在当代中国,管理理念的人本跃迁表现为管理对象从计划经济时代的单位转变为市场经济时代劳动的个人,表现为人的主体性从计划经济时代的群体特质转变为市场经济时代的个体特质。 Management idea is the management experience of condensation and sublimation. As anindependent branch of human wisdom, management always faces the problem of object andsubject. In the other way, it means the management dualistic structure. In the managementsystem, the management subject occupies advantageous resources, it can develop creative,autonomy and initiative totally. It means it is able to control and dominate the managementobject. In the opposite side, the object of management is dominated, and share littlemanagement resources. Modern management was born in America. It is the inevitable product of the industrialrevolution, modern management idea service to the product, and the growth of laborproductivity, just said as Marx's theory of human development. In the modern world, peopleproduce for wealth. As the management idea, management subject has been for the God, forthe king and the capitalist. The agricultural laborers and workers has been viewed work forthe God, the king and the capitalist to create agricultural wealth and industrial wealth for them.Management practices have a long history in China. But it just based on natural economy. In1956, the socialist China completed three major transformation, and the unit has become thebasic unit of national management society. From1956to1978, the unit managementphilosophy dominated the social development process of the China. Since the reform, itchanged the ownership system and the social structure of China, the new social strata hasbeen found. Chinese gradually use their own efforts to achieve their own value. In thecontemporary China, management concept of the transition performance means managementobjects from the unit of planned economy into the labor person of market economy era, it alsomeans the human transformation from the plan's group characteristics to the individualcharacteristics of a market economy.

关 键 词: 管理理念 单位人 劳动的个人 管理的个人

分 类 号: [C912.1 D630]

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学] [政治法律] [政治法律]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 中山大学
机构 吉林大学珠海学院
机构 暨南大学


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