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The Predicament and Outlet of the Chief Executive in the Hong Kong SAR

导  师: 朱孔武

学科专业: 030103

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 《基本法》背景下的行政主导体制,是行政与立法分权基础上,行政权相对优势的行政主导,立法会对行政机关有制衡和配合的相对行政主导。在《基本法》所确立的循序渐进的民主中,立法会利用《基本法》规定的模糊地带,提出争取“普选”,包括行政长官普选和立法会的普选,这对《基本法》所确立的循序渐进的民主提出新的要求,《基本法》的原意是行政主导,行政主导也是《基本法》对香港政制的安排,香港回归后,行政主导体制的实施持续不断地遇到困难。 本文从分析回归后香港特别行政区行政主导体制的特征入手,运用比较分析的方法突出《基本法》下的行政主导体制与港英时期行政主导体制的不同,回归后的行政主导体制是行政与立法分权下行政权占优势的相对行政主导,而不是港督时期的绝对行政主导。从回归后香港行政与立法关系探析香港行政主导体制的运作困境,总结出行政主导体制运作困境原因,包括香港的政制体制缺陷和《基本法》所规定的行政与立法之间的法理矛盾。最后,为香港特别行政区行政主导体制的顺利运作提供出路:本文提出应当放宽对行政长官政党背景的限制,扩大执政联盟;实行行政长官普选;保留功能界别提供的均衡参与和对立法会的稳定支持;要改革行政与立法的沟通机制,改革行政会议,发挥行政会议协调行政与立法的关系;行使中央和全国人民代表大会对香港特别行政区享有的宪制权。 The Chief Executive in the Hong Kong SAR on the background of The basic law of theHong Kong special administrative region is the administrative and legislative power-sharing,based on the comparative advantage of administration executive power, legislative councilfor administrative organs have checks and balances and cooperate with relativeadministration..In the basic law established by the gradual democracy, the legislativecouncil by use of the basic law provides the twilight zone, strive for "universal suffrage" isput forward, including the chief executive and the legislative council by universal suffrage,universal suffrage for the basic law established by the gradual democracy, put forward newrequirements, the basic law of the original intention is administration, the administrativeleading is the basic law on Hong Kong's constitutional arrangements, the implementation ofthe administrative system after Hong Kong's return to continually meet with difficulties. Based on the analysis after the handover of the Hong Kong special administrative regioncharacteristic of system, using the method of comparative analysis of outstanding under thebasic law of the administrative system and administrative system of different port of theperiod, after the handover of the administrative system is the administrative and legislativedecentralization in the dominant relative administrative leading downward regime, ratherthan the absolute governor period of administration. From the return of Hong Kongadministrative and legislative relationship analysis of Hong Kong administrative system ofoperation, summed up the administrative system operates in trouble reason, including HongKong's constitutional system defects and the basic law of legal conflict between theexecutive and legislative. Finally, for the smooth functioning of political system of the HongKong special administrative region to provide a way out: in this paper, should relax thelimitation on the chief executive party background, enlarge the ruling coalition; For the chiefexecutive election; Survive in a functional constituency even participation and support forthe stability of the legislative council; To reform the administrative and legislativecommunication mechanism, reform the administrative meetings, giving play to the role ofthe executive council to coordinate the executive and legislative; The exercise of the centraland the National People's Congress on constitutional rights enjoyed by the Hong Kongspecial administrative region.

关 键 词: 行政主导 行政长官 立法会 功能界别 执政联盟 行政会议

分 类 号: [D921.9]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 范晓军
作者 陈家喜
作者 祭子强
作者 萧开廷
作者 左岚


机构 深圳大学
机构 深圳大学当代中国政治研究所
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚