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The Spillover Effect of FDI in Producer Services on Manufacturing Industries

导  师: 屈韬

学科专业: 020206

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 生产性服务业是经济发展、专业化分工进一步细化的产物,依附于制造业却又相对独立,是连接消费者和制造业的纽带,在制造业的发展中起举足轻重的作用。本文基于2004-2012年全国21个省市的相关数据,从生产性服务业FDI技术溢出的视角,先从东部、中部和西部分别对服务业FDI促进制造业企业溢出效应的路径进行研究,进一步分析不同类型的生产性服务业对内外资制造业企业的溢出效用的差异。结果表明,不同地区因引资环境的不同,吸引FDI的能力相异,因存在“门槛效应”,不同地区的生产性服务业FDI效率溢出的路径和溢出程度均存在差别;生产性服务业具有追随制造业的性质,其行业内FDI企业更多表现为服务于外资制造企业的特征,对内资制造业企业的影响不显著,信息技术类生产性服务业FDI对内资制造业企业产生挤出作用。结论包含的政策含义:一是建议不同地区根据自身的发展水平改善引资环境,提高FDI引入的质量和效率;二是建议政府对信息技术类生产性服务业有条件地放开,促进生产性服务业的转型升级。 With the gradual relaxation of the opening up of China in recent years, what aboutthe effect of inward FDI in producer service industry on manufacturing in differentregions of China? Compared with the domestic manufacturing enterprises andforeign-funded manufacturing enterprises, which kind of manufacturing enterprisesproducer services spillover effects of FDI worked is more significant? This paperbased on the relation data of21provinces from2004to2012, and from the view ofproducer services, firstly it studied the path which FDI in producer services spilloverto manufacturing industries,and did a further research on analyzing the difference ofdifferent types of spillover effect of producer services on manufacturingenterprises. The results show that, for different regions of the producer serviceindustry, because of its investment environment, the ability to attract FDI isdifferent, meanwhile, because of the “Threshold Effects”,the spillover path ofproducer service industry FDI is different in different regions, so there are differencesin the degree of spillover; at the same time as the productive service industry has theproperty of follow manufacturing,the productive service industry FDI gives moreservices to the foreign-funded manufacturing enterprises, while has little impact onthe domestic manufacturing enterprises, information technology of producer servicesFDI plays a crowding out effect on domestic manufacturing enterprises. Conclusionand policy meaning includes: it is suggested that different regions should improveinvestment environment according to the level of its development, and improve thequality and efficiency of FDI accordingly; The government should release theinformation technology class of producer services conditionally, to upgrade theproducer service.

关 键 词: 生产性服务业 门槛效应 溢出效应

分 类 号: [F719 F424 F832.6]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 吴小慧
作者 张浩然
作者 王洪冉
作者 郭晓旭
作者 马风华


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟