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Analyze the Effectiveness of Government Regulation on Real Estate Market

导  师: 喻卫斌

学科专业: 020205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

摘  要: 2002年之后,房市开始过热,投机性购房增长,出现了房价和涨幅“双高”的局面。金融危机之后,房价又出现“井喷式的上涨”,进而消费者“恐慌性抢购”。虽然从2010年到2013年调控力度空前严格,房市仍然呈现出全线上扬态势,结构性问题日益突出。2014年面对如此严峻的楼市形势,政府必须加大调控力度,提高规制政策的有效性。 本文在运用房地产理论、政府规制理论、规制的有效性理论、房地市场政府规制理论的基础上,分析我国房地产市场的特征,指出房地产市场政府规制存在的问题,例如市场结构问题、规制手段问题、利益的博弈问题。在此基础上进一步提出房地产市场规制的必要性,规制不仅能弥补市场失灵、实现住房的公平,也能得房市最大程度的促进经济发展。 接着从规制历史背景的角度,把我国房市的发展分为平稳发展期、快速发展期、全面规制期、复苏期、密集规制期以及规制升级期。进而分析各个时期政府的主要政策取向以及规制的有效性。进而总结房市历史规制政策存在的主要问题。 再从规制目标的实现程度来分析规制政策的有效性,规制的主要目标是实现房价的合理稳定、供求总量的平衡、供求结构的平衡、对国民经济的促进效应。 最后,针对前面的分析,相应提出有效的规制房地产市场的政策建议。 Real estate market of China began to overheat since2002, housing price and its growth ratesappeared a “double-high”. In2008, international financial crisis appears, the consumer began"panic buying" when the housing prices spike. Although macro-control efforts was unprecedentedstrict from2010to2013, the real estate market still showed a rising trend at home and abroad, andthe market structural problems had become even more serious. In this year, government sparedmore efforts to control the housing price and its growth rates and the effectiveness of regulatorypolicy have been improved. First, the paper analyzes the theory about real estate market and the government regulation, theeffectiveness of regulation theory and the theory of government regulation on real estate market.Then, on the basis of the theory, we illustrate the characteristics of the market and then point outsome problems of government regulation on real estate market, such as market structure,regulatory means and game problems of interest. Furthermore, the paper put forward the necessityof regulation. Regulation not only could compensate for market failure and achieve effectivehousing market, but also could promote economic development to a great extent.From the perspective view of historical background of regulation, development of China's realestate market could be divided into stable period of development, the rapid period of development,comprehensive regulation period, the economy recovery period, intensive regulation period andregulation upgrade period. What’s more, analysis major policy orientation of various periods andthe effectiveness of government regulation, and then summarize the main problems of the realestate market regulation. From the achieving degree of the main objective, we could analyze the effectiveness of regulatorypolicy. The main regulation goals are keeping reasonable and stable housing price, achieving thebalance of supply and demand, achieving balance market structure and promoting thedevelopment of national economy.Finally, after the former analysis, we give some reasons of ineffective regulation, and thenpropose effective real estate market regulation policy recommendations correspondingly.

关 键 词: 房地产市场 政府规制 有效性 供求失衡 住房保障

分 类 号: [F299.23 D630]

领  域: [经济管理] [政治法律] [政治法律]


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机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


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