导 师: 赵军峰
学科专业: 0551
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 一直以来原语—目标语的对比分析多是以两者间的翻译关系为中心,并且倾向于选择职业译员的产出作为语料。本报告则主要以学生译员产出为语料,通过实验探究职业译员与学生译员在带稿同传中处理语法衔接,包括指称、替代、省略和连接四种衔接时存在何种差异。 本报告设计了一项汉英带稿同传实验,实验对象包括12名某大学MTI二年级的口译研究生和一名来自广东外语外贸大学的职业译员,实验步骤如下:1.选择实验对象及实验材料;2.汉英带稿同传实验、录音及转写;3.分析学生译员与职业译员在处理四类语法衔接方面的差异;4.跟踪问卷调查。 通过实验,本报告发现与职业译员相比,学生译员的产出在语法衔接方面存在不足。他们尚不能清晰地分析原文衔接以及熟练地运用衔接工具。这主要归因为语言转换能力不足。 本报告针对口译教学及训练提出相关建议,期望在今后的口译教学与训练中,更加重视语法衔接这一版块。 The traditional way of conducting source–target correspondence studies has beencentered on translation studies and based on professional products. Focusing primarily ontrainee interpreters’ performance, this report conducts an experimental study on differencesin constructing and maintaining grammatical cohesion(reference, substitution, ellipsis andconjunction/) in C-E SI with text between a professional interpreter and twelve traineeinterpreters. The report conducts an experiment among twelve trainee interpreters selected from thesecond-year postgraduates of a MTI program and one professional interpreter from GDUFS.The experiment is carried out in the following steps:1. Selection of subjects andinterpreting materials.2. C-E SI with text which are recorded, transcribed and tagged.3.Analysis of differences in constructing and maintaining grammatical cohesion.4. Follow-upquestionnaire. The experiment has shown that grammatical cohesion is dealt less satisfactorily bymost trainee interpreters than by the professional interpreter. The analysis of cohesion insource texts and the deployment of cohesive devices are less effectual in the traineeinterpreters’ outputs, which can be attributable to their low level of proficiency in languagesmastery. This report intends to put forward some suggestions in regard of both interpretingteaching and training. The author is in the hope that grammatical cohesion should and willdeserve more attention and efforts in the future interpreting teaching and training.
分 类 号: [H315.9]
领 域: [语言文字]