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Forum Non Conveniens Principles Appling in China

导  师: 袁泉

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 经济全球化的今天,随着国际民商事交往的日益频繁,必将发生越来越多的跨国民商事纠纷,从而导致国际管辖权冲突现象越来越严重。对某一涉外民商事案件而言,可能存在两个或两个以上国家都具有管辖权并主张行使管辖权时无论是英美法系国家还是大陆法系国家都需要解决的国际民事管辖权的积极冲突问题。不方便法院原则作为一种解决国际民事管辖权积极冲突的手段与方法,被普通法系国家广泛采用,帮助其在处理国际民商事诉讼时,维护本国及国民利益、提高法院的司法效率。但是,不方便法院原则由于没有统一的标准、法官的自由裁量权过大等原因,没有被大陆法系国家普遍接受。近些年来,我国法院处理涉外诉讼案件时,司法实践中多次出现法官以不方便法院原则为由而拒绝行使本国管辖权的情况,但是我国现行《民事诉讼法》对其没有规定。因此,本文采用文献研究法、对比分析法从不方便法院原则的起源及历史沿革着手,对不方便法院原则开展了利弊分析,通过研究不方便法院原则在英美法系国家和荷兰、瑞士等大陆法系国家的实践情况,以及在国际组织中的实践情况,提出了本国建立不方便法院原则的必要性和可能性,并初步设想了适用不方便法院原则的制度设计。 本文一共分为三章。 第一章阐述了不方便法院原则的概念、历史沿革以及不方便法院原则的理论基础、利弊分析。具体内容包括不方便法院原则的含义、不方便法院原则的起源及发展。 第二章阐述了各主要国家以及国际组织中的实践。包括不方便法院原则在普通法系国家的实践,其中具体讲述了不方便法院原则在美国、英国、澳大利亚的实践;不方便法院原则在大陆法系国家的实践,包括不方便法院原则在日本、德国、荷兰等国家的适用情况。 第三章在前两章理论分析与实践分析基础上,提出了不方便法院原则在我国构建的初步设想。本文认为我国不能照搬美国、英国等国任何一个国家的不方便法院原则模式,中国适用具有中国特色的“不方便法院原则”,可以采用明显不适当法院模式。 Economic globalization,the international civil and commercial litigation occursfrequently,more and more serious conflicts of jurisdiction occur. For one case,whenthere are two or more countries have advocated the exercise of jurisdiction and thejurisdiction,forum non conveniens principles emerged. The principle of forum nonconveniens is widely used in common law countries,which help them in dealingwith international civil and commercial litigation and protect its interests and citizensto improve the efficiency of the courts of justice. However,the judges' discretion istoo large,which has not been universally accepted in civil law countries. In recentyears,China's courts are deeply troubled positive conflict of jurisdiction in dealingwith foreign litigation process. This article originated from the inconvenient to theprinciples and history of the Court to proceed on the principle of forum nonconveniens analysis carried out the pros and cons,convenient principles by studyingthe court common law countries and the Netherlands,Switzerland and other countriespractice of civil law,as well as in the international the practice of the organization,presented the necessity and possibility of the national court to establish the principle isinconvenient and initially conceived inconvenient to apply the principles of the courtsystem design. This paper is divided into three chapters in total. The first chapter is an overview of the principles of forum non conveniens,which explains the concept of forum non conveniens principles, history andtheoretical basis of the principle of forum non conveniens,the pros and cons analysis.Inconvenience Doctrine covers specific meaning, lection,induction,summary,this paper collected the advantages and disadvantages of forum non conveniensprinciple,the principle of forum non conveniens eliminate the irrational internationalcivil jurisdiction,to prevent the party " forum shopping ",the rational allocation ofresources litigation reduce the burden on the courts,to promote international judicialcooperation; principles of the lack of uniform standards and uncertainties applicableinconvenient to courts,judges too much discretion to discriminate against foreignplaintiffs,with the "no denial of justice " policy conflicts. Meanwhile InconvenienceDoctrine of these factors in our convenient method applicable principles should beconsidered. The second chapter describes all the major national and international organizations in practice. Including forum non conveniens principles of common lawpractice in the country,which specifically describes the practice of forum nonconveniens principles in the United States, Britain, Australia; inconvenient to courtprinciple in civil law practice countries,including the principle of forum nonconveniens in Japan applicable to the situation in Germany,the Netherlands and othercountries. The third chapter analyzes the theory and practice of two chapters presented apreliminary analysis of the first principle of forum non conveniens in our vision tobuild the foundation. This paper argues that the principles of our country can not copythe pattern of any country the United States,Britain and other countries of forum nonconveniens,China applies with Chinese characteristics," the principle of forum nonconveniens," the court obviously inappropriate mode can be used. Finally,the paper states that China as a civil law countries,and the legalenvironment,the Anglo-American legal tradition of the country have greateraccess,absolutely can not copy the pattern in other countries,but should learn theprinciples of forum non conveniens in the British and American judicial practice,grasping the core principle is inconvenient living conditions of the court,to explorethe principles of forum non conveniens suitable for our country. In the process ofbuilding, the need to give judges some discretion, be more flexible whenimplementing the principle of forum non conveniens,as well as the principle of thecourt is not convenient to create other positive conditions applicable in our countryand help our country to solve the issue of jurisdiction,safeguard judicial fairnessjustice,improving judicial efficiency.

关 键 词: 国际民事管辖权积极冲突 不方便法院原则 大陆法系 英美法系 自由裁量权

分 类 号: [D925.1 D997.3]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


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机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院


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