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A Study of Foregrounding in the English Translation of Xiongdi

导  师: 褚东伟

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 先锋派作家余华的创作风格独特、独树一帜,在创作过程中大量运用前景化手法,这在长篇小说《兄弟》中展现得淋漓尽致。而前景化可以说是文学文体学中最重要的概念之一,现被应用于文学翻译研究。同时,前景化还是文体风格的重要组成部分,因此在研究文学作品的风格再现方面起着重要作用。鉴于此,本文根据利奇提出的前景化理论结合《兄弟》中的前景化情况,从偏离(包括语法偏离、词汇偏离和语义偏离)、平行(包括重复、并置和平行结构)以及原文中没有偏离译者在译文中将其前景化的特例三方面研究《兄弟》英译本中的前景化情况。 本文从上述三方面出发,具体分析以下几个问题。总问题:《兄弟》英译者在翻译过程中是如何处理前景化的?具体的说:1.他们是如何处理语法偏离、词汇偏离和语义偏离的,有什么效果?2.他们是如何处理重复、并置和平行结构的,有什么效果?3.他们为什么在少数地方将原文中的普通语言前景化,有什么效果? 结合大量的事例分析发现,总的说来,译者根据中英文在某种前景化方面的差异而采取不同的翻译方法。具体的说:1.译者在处理偏离时主要采用了四种翻译方法,即保留、创造、补偿和省略。通过保留和创造,译者在译文中将原文中的前景化效果完全呈现了出来;某些时候补偿手段能在一定程度上弥补前景化效果的缺失,但并不能在译文中将原文中的前景化效果完全呈现了出来;而通过省略的方法,原文中的前景化效果完全丧失了。2.译者在处理平行是主要采用了两种翻译方法,即保留和创造。将原文中的前景化效果完全呈现在译文中。3.译者在少数情况下选择将原文中的普通语言前景化,这样不仅传达了原文的基本信息而且还起到了强调效果,给读者留下更深刻的印象。 Yu Hua, an avant-garde Chinese writer, boasts a unique writing style, includingthe usage of foregrounding techniques in numerous places. Such usage is manifestedin his novel Xiongdi. Foregrounding, one of the most critical concepts in literarystylistics, is now applied to the study of literary translation. Meanwhile, as animportant part of literary style, it also plays a critical role in the study of stylisticre-presentation in literary translation. Such being the case, considering the majortypes of foregrounding in Xiongdi, the author of this thesis studies foregroundingre-presentation in the English translation of Xiongdi from three aspects, namelydeviation, parallelism and exceptions. Based on these three aspects, the thesis tries to answer the following masterquestion together with three sub-questions. Master question: How did the translatorsre-present foregrounding in their translation? Sub-questions:1. How did the translatorsdeal with the different types of deviation in their translation and what are the effects?2. How did the translators deal with the different types of parallelism in theirtranslation and what are the effects?3. Why did the translators foreground certainordinary linguistic items in their translation and what are the effects? Via the detailed analyses of multiple examples, it has found out that, generally,the two translators adopted different ways to handle the different types offoregrounding in line with the differences between Chinese and English. To bespecific:1. The two translators dealt with the different types of deviation in four ways,namely, retention, creation, compensation and omission.2. They either retained thedifferent types of parallelism or created another parallelism of the same type in theEnglish translation.3. There are several exceptions where the translatorsforegrounded certain ordinary linguistic items in the translation for emphasis.

关 键 词: 前景化 兄弟 英译本 偏离 平行

分 类 号: [H315.9 I046]

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 隆莉
作者 熊韡薇
作者 吴帆
作者 胡秦葆
作者 曾险峰


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李晓青
作者 肖飞燕
作者 范文嫣