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Review on Denial of Benefits Clause in International Investment Treaties

导  师: 蔡镇顺

学科专业: 030109

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 晚近受惠于改革开放政策与人口红利的双重影响,中国经济急速发展,继而成为亚洲,乃至世界经济发展的动力源泉,吸收外资与对外投资实力进一步增强。国际直接投资作为中国经济发展强而有力的推动因素之一,正日渐受到全世界的共同关注,同时亦成为国际社会所倡导的一种国际经济交往形式。虽然中国国内学术对国际投资领域中的研究日益增多,对于投资协定中的利益否认条款却鲜有着墨。 本文主要围绕“什么是国际投资条约中的利益否认条款?利益否认条款在国际投资争端仲裁实践中所表现出的不足,以及引入利益否认条款的是否为我国抵御条约选购的唯一选择。”这三个方面来展开论述,本文合共分四章: 第一章为国际投资条约中的利益否认条款的概述。将从利益否认条款的概念及历史展开论述;通过论述利益否认条款的概念,解决“利益否认条款是什么”这一问题。然后从利益否认条款的发展历史,了解利益否认条款背后的发展动因。 第二章将探讨利益否认条款与最惠国待遇条款及公平与公正待遇条款之间的关系;投资待遇标准作为国际投资领域中不可或缺的基础,其与利益否认条款存在何种关系?从最惠国待遇条款在争端解决程序上的扩张适用及公平与公正待遇中合理期待范围着手,论述这两项待遇标准与利益否认条款的关系。 第三章通过结合国际投资实践中的仲裁案例对利益否认条款进行分析,主要就仲裁案例所暴露出利益否认条款的一些不足之处,如模糊的用语、条款是否具有溯及力等方面都成为投资争端仲裁实践的争议点,就这些方面进行反思。 第四章主要论述利益否认条款对中国的实际意义,深入探讨中国面对投资者实施条约选购行为时,所应采取的办法。现行国家对条约滥选行为的规制主要存在改变投资者国籍认定标准、缔约国之间联合解释及删除或修改投资条约中的投资仲裁条款、引入利益否认条款这几方面进行限制。通过对比分析,探讨利益否认条款是否为中国抑制条约选购现象的唯一选择。 Benefited from the reform and opening policy,great changes have taken place inChina's economy. China has not only become the powerhouses of Asia but also thepower source of the world economic development, the absorption capacity of foreigncapital and foreign investment has further enhanced. International direct investment,one of the factor, a strong push to China's economic development, has being concernof the world, but also become a form of international relations advocated by theinternational economic community. Although the research on international investmenthas increased, few study on the denial of benefits clause in Chinese academia. This paper mainly focus on what is “denial of benefits clause”in internationalinvestment treaties? The lack of the denial of benefits clause that shows in theinternational arbitration of investment disputes. And have a full discussion about theimportance of the denial of benefits clause.Whether the denial of benefits clause is thebest choice to China’s defense treaty shopping. This paper is divided into fourchapters: There is an overview of the denial of benefits clause in Charter1. The issue ofthe Chapter1is the concept of the denial of benefits.To find out what is the denial ofbenefits clause and its history. Then to understand the motivation behind the clause. The relationship between the standard of treatment and the denial of benefitsclause is the main issue of Chapter2. Will the extension of application of the mostfavor nation treatment impact the use of denial of benefits clause? The ambiguous fairand equitable treatment can arise the conflict with the denial of benefits clause? Chapter3has mainly concern about the practice of the denial of benefits clausein international investment disputes.With a case study, to analyze the short of thedenial of benefits clause. The main point of the Chapter4is discussing about the significance of denial ofbenefits clause to China. The denial of benefits clause is not the only way to China torestrict the treaty shopping.

关 键 词: 国际投资 利益否认条款 待遇标准 条约选购

分 类 号: [D996.4]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 陈宗胜
作者 沈虹
作者 徐树
作者 施悦
作者 裴超旺


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广州大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚