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'I Have a Question': a Study of How Discussants Act Linguistically in Oral Academic Q/&A Sessions under Chinese Context

导  师: 赵一农

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 作为学术讲座、学术会议一部分的提问回答环节目前还未得到语言学研究者的足够重视。尤其在中国,很少有研究者对该体裁进行专门的研究。而该体裁对几乎每位学者都有重要的意义,因为他们学术领域的成长离不开参加学术讲座、学术会议。与讲座、发表环节相比,提问回答环节有其特点:更具有互动性,参与者可以进行面对面的探讨、争论;更具即时性,问答双方事先准备的成分较少,而临场发挥的程度多。 本文研究的是提问者在提问回答环节中的语言。Pauline Webber(1997)对提问者的问题进行过分类,本文采用她的分类标准,将通过参与观察收集到的语料进行分类后,重点研究提问者提问的最多一类的信息引导型问题。本文从宏观以及微观两个方面进行研究,旨在探索提问者所提问题的体裁结构以及他们在具体语言使用中对于介入资源的策略性选择。 宏观结构分析结果表明,在GDUFS语料中提问者以一种由八个元素组成的“三明治”风格进行提问。第一层包括对发表者的感谢、称呼、恭维;第二层包括表明意图、提供语境、提问、再次提问;第三层由提前感谢组成。第一、第三层为面子工作层,是可选的;而第二层则是真正的目的层,是必须的。通过与Querol-Julián /(2011/)对于同一领域同一类型问题的研究进行对比,本文发现文化因素似乎的确是体裁结构不同的一个影响因素。Querol-Julián /(2011/)的语料中提问者的问题只包含一层,即真正的目的层;而在这层中,提问者没有提供语境,而是直接表明意图、然后提问。基于对比,我们可以推断:西方学者喜欢直接的方式,而中国学者更倾向于循环的方式;面子工作在中国文化中比在西方文化中更重要。 微观介入资源的分析表明,每种介入资源的分布是不同的。在GDUFS语料中ENTERTAIN是最受欢迎的,而CONCUR和DISTANCE没有被使用过。虽然每种介入资源分布不同,他们都帮助为问答双方构建了对话空间,在打开或者关闭对话空间的过程中,相应的人际功能得到了实现。在“三明治”结构中,提问者倾向于在第二层即真正的目的层使用介入资源。 本文从宏观和微观两个层面对作为学术讲座、学术会议一部分的提问回答环节中提问者的语言进行了研究。鉴于目前国内研究尚少,本研究具有一定的开拓性;同时本研究的发现对于新学者的社会化过程以及提高他们的学术素养/(Lea/&Street2000/)也具有一定的指导意义。 Only a few linguists have shown their interest in oral academic Q/&A sessions,which belong to part of academic lectures and conferences. Especially in China, fewresearchers have done research on this specific genre. However, this genre is of greatimportance for nearly every scholar, whose academic growth is involved withparticipating in academic lectures and conferences. Compared with the lecturesession and the presentation session, the Q/&A session has its unique features, beinginteractive and spontaneous. The former means that participants can discuss andeven dispute with each other in a face-to-face way. The latter refers to the fact thatthere are less prepared but more spontaneous speeches from both the discussants andthe presenters. This thesis focuses on discussants’ texts in oral academic Q/&A sessions.Pauline Webber’s /(1997/) categorization of different question types in Q/&A sessionsis adopted. After categorizing the data collected through participative observation,this present study narrows down its scope to the most commonly asked questiontype, being the information eliciting questions. Analysis is undertaken from both themacro-and the micro-levels, with the aims of exploring the generic structure for thequestion type under study and investigating the strategic deployment of engagementresources by discussants. Through the macro-analysis of the generic structure for information elicitingquestions, it is found that in the GDUFS corpus discussants ask information elicitingquestions in a sandwich-like style with three layers consisted of eight elements,including gratitude for the presentation, address, compliment, intentionannouncement, contextualization, formulate the question, reformulate the question,and gratitude in advance. The first three elements form the upper layer, the middle four the middle layer, and the last one the lower layer. Among the three layers, onlythe middle one is obligatory, while the other two are optional. After a brief contrastwith Querol-Julián’s /(2011/) work concerning the same genre in the same field, thispresent study holds that culture seems to play an influencing factor in explaining thedifferences between the generic structure for the GDUFS corpus and that forQuerol-Julián’s /(2011/). In western scholars’ questions, there’s only one layer, whilein the Chinese discussants’ texts, two peripheral layers are found out. Besides,within the middle layer, western scholars skip the element of contextualization;while in their Chinese counterparts’ texts, this element is an obligatory one. We caninfer that when asking information eliciting questions, western scholars prefer adirect way, while the Chinese scholars tend to employ a circular style; and thatfacework is of greater importance in Chinese culture than in western culture. The micro-analysis of the engagement resources shows that the distributions ofeach engagement sub-systems are different, with Entertain the most widelyemployed one, and concur and distance the least frequently used ones. Thoughdistributed differently, all the engagement resources function to construct a dialogicspace between the discussants and the presenters or other putative addressees, andduring the process of either opening up or closing down the constructed dialogicspace interpersonal functions are achieved. In the sandwich-like generic structure forinformation eliciting questions, Engagement resources are inclined to accumulate inthe middle layer. Due to the fact that in China, up till now, few studies have investigated oralacademic Q/&A sessions, this thesis intends to shed some light on this neglectedgenre. And the findings of this thesis are helpful not only to novice scholars’socialization into the specific community but also to their improvement of theacademic literacy /(Lea/&Street2000/) in oral academic genre.

关 键 词: 提问回答环节 体裁结构 介入资源 语境

分 类 号: [H05]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 郑甜甜
作者 廖珺
作者 曾炯巍
作者 郭怡
作者 刘云端


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 深圳大学师范学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏