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The Study Effect and Employment of MTI Students Specializing in English Interpreting

导  师: 詹成

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 加强对翻译学习者教育与就业的了解对改善高校翻译教与学尤其重要。鉴于有关MTI(翻译硕士专业)该方面的调研,尤其是基于以翻译专业学生为调查对象的研究仍较为少见,笔者进行了此次调查,选取了国内三所具有MTI培养资格的高校,以MTI学生/(口译方向/)为调查对象,旨在通过调查MTI口译学生就读期间学习效果与毕业后就业的情况,了解和分析两者之间的联系,进一步反思MTI的教与学存在的不足。此次调查研究以调查问卷为载体,借助网络,以邮件形式发放问卷。调查对象选取了国内三所高校的2011级MTI口译学生。调查涉及MTI学生的报考动机、学习体验及其就业情况。在后期调查问卷信息汇总及统计阶段,借助了网络问卷设计工具“问卷星”,对问卷数据和结果进行了自动统计并生成了各种图表。最后,又结合人工统计的方法核对了数据。 经过对数据的整理和分析,笔者发现,多数MTI口译学生认为其学习效果没有达到预期,毕业后很多学生没有从事口译工作,与其报考动机不一致。同时,笔者发现MTI口译学生的就业,与其就读期间的学习效果有着不可忽略的联系,有诸多原因影响学习效果,包括学生入学时水平达不到MTI培养目标;学习过程中课程设置缺乏特色,理论偏多,使得学生学习兴趣减弱,专业知识单薄或单一,能力达不到用人单位要求;学校培养目标不明确,口译学生缺乏实践机会,培养方向上不能与翻译市场接轨。这一研究表明,MTI口译专业的教与学仍面临问题与挑战,高校仍需适时改进培养方案,帮助MTI口译学生从根本上改善就业困难的状况。 A comprehensive understanding of interpreting learners’ study and employmentis of great significance to improve MTI /(Master of Translation and Interpreting/)teaching and learning. Surveys on this aspect, however, are still limited. Even lessthose which targeted at MTI students. This survey, regarding MTI interpretingstudents from three universities as respondents, aims to look into MTI students’ studyeffect and employment situation after graduation, find out the relationship betweenthem, and discuss the inadequacies and challenges faced by MTI teaching andlearning. A questionnaire was designed for this research, and was then distributed viae-mails. The survey was targeted at MTI interpreting students from three Chineseuniversities, and the response was elicited from three aspects, including MTI students’motivation to apply for this major, their learning experience during two years’ studyand the employment situation after graduation. In the later period of this survey—thestage of information and statistics gathering, and with the aid of the design tool ofnetwork questionnaires—Sojump /(http:////www.sojump.com///), the results of thequestionnaires were automatically counted up and were gathered into tables anddiagrams. Afterwards, the author also checked all the data carefully and repeatedly. Based on the analysis of the survey results, the author finds out that, most MTIinterpreting students think that their study effect does not live up to the expectationsand many of them cannot seek an interpreting job after graduation, which are not inaccordance with their motivation before enrollment. Meanwhile, the author also findsout that the employment of MTI interpreting students has connection with their studyeffect, which cannot be neglected. There are many factors that affect students’ studyeffect, which can be summarized as: the level of candidates before enrollment cannotmatch the training objective of MTI; the courses are in lack of features, with moreproportion on theory, leading to students’ decreasing of interest and weak or singleexpertise knowledge; the objective of MTI education is not clear-cut, with itscultivation program cannot be in line with the standards of translation market whichpays more attention on field practice. These are all obstacles for MTI students to find an interpreting work. This study has shown that, there still exist problems andchallenges in the teaching and learning of MTI interpreting. Universities and collegesneed to improve their cultivation programs in a timely manner to help students, to amaximum extent possible, deal with their difficulties in finding an interpreting-relatedjob.

关 键 词: 翻译硕士 学习效果 就业情况

分 类 号: [H315.9-4 G647.38]

领  域: [语言文字] [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 赵瑾
作者 苏婵娟
作者 王晓鹂
作者 孙帆
作者 苗晓亮


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
机构 广东工业大学艺术设计学院
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 暨南大学外国语学院


作者 廖雪红
作者 张维
作者 张美芳
作者 张长明
作者 彭佳莉