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Trauma and Recovery in Anne Michaels' Fugitive Pieces

导  师: 管建明

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 安妮·麦卡尔斯的代表作品《四处散落的碎片》是一部关于大屠杀后生活的小说。麦卡尔斯通过两个叙事者,向读者展示了大屠杀幸存者的心理创伤。它丰富的主题,诗化的语言,隐喻与象征的修辞,与犹太人大屠杀后生活结合,吸引了评论家的眼球。但至今,不论是在数量上还是在视角上对这本小说的研究都是有限的。对于这样一本关于大屠杀的小说,评论家很容易将之与创伤视角结合起来。大多数创伤解读都探讨创伤记忆与风景,风景与怀念、悼念的关系。还没有人探讨小说中写作与创伤治愈的关系。 本论文将聚焦在第一代及第二代幸存者,运用凯萨·克鲁斯及朱迪丝·赫曼的创伤理论来解读小说中的记忆,悼念,和写作的关系问题,探索写作对创伤的治愈作用。论文首先分析大屠杀幸存者的心理创伤症状,凸显记忆具有毁灭性的一面。其次探讨引起其症状的内在机制,帮助了解创伤起因,为提出治愈创伤的方法指出方向,再次探讨记忆不仅具有毁灭性的一面也有救赎性的一面,写作能够使创伤记忆转化成普通记忆,完成悼念损失,连接过去与现在,实现创伤治愈。本论文探究创伤的代际传递及写作能传递治愈信息。最后,论文总结上述研究结果,创伤能够代际传递,创伤治愈也可以通过写作与阅读实现代际传递。 Anne Michaels· Fugitive Pieces is a novel about post-Holocaust life. Throughthe narration of two characters, Anne Michaels presents the psychological trauma ofHolocaust survivors, including their second generation. This novel has attracted muchattention with rich themes, the highly lyrical, metaphorical and symbolic language.However, the researches on this novel are still limited in both the quantity and literaryperspectives. Critics are likely to combine trauma theory with this Holocaust novel;most of them have focused on the relationship between memory and landscapes or therelation between place, mourning and remembrance. However, none of them havetouched upon the relation between trauma recovery and literary writing. This thesis aims to interpret the relationship between memory, mourning andwriting and to investigate the possibility to recover trauma through writing byfocusing on the Holocaust survivors and the second generation by mainly applyingCathy Caruth and Judith Herman·s trauma theories. This thesis will first analyze thetraumatic symptoms through which the destructive effects of memory are presented.Second, the mechanism of the traumatic symptoms will be discussed, which can helpunderstand the causality of the traumatic symptoms and thus works as an indicationfor trauma recovery. At last, the thesis will expound the redemptive power of memoryby presenting the process in which writing transforms the traumatic memory intonormal memory, accomplishing the process of mourning, and linking past and present.This thesis attempts to explain the intergenerational transmission of trauma and thepossibility of intergenerational transmission through literary writing and reading.

关 键 词: 四处散落的碎片 安妮 麦卡尔斯 创伤 记忆 写作 治愈

分 类 号: [I711.074]

领  域: [文学]


作者 董梦晨
作者 党晓姣
作者 窦伟伟
作者 刘超
作者 卢迎如


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州大学外国语学院


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