导 师: 谭智
学科专业: 0401
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 近几十年来,大学师生都非常注重英语口语水平的发展。本文以丰富多样的自主决定性口语活动为视角,探索其对于学生的英语口语课堂参与度及口语水平的影响。本文旨在将各种灵活的自主决定性口语活动运用与大学英语口语课堂来探索其是否有助于增加学生的口语课堂参与度以及提高学生的口语水平。基于自主决定性理论以及学生参与度理论,本研究着重探索自主决定性口语活动,学生课堂参与度和口语水平三者间的关系。 本研究的实验对象为92名广州大学纺织服装学院大二国际经济与贸易专业的学生,为期16周。实验组和控制组分别为46人。本研究搜集数据的方式为半结构化访谈,问卷调查以及口语水平考试。 本研究数据搜集主要分为三个阶段,实验前,实验中以及实验后。实验前分别对两个组进行半结构化访谈和问卷调查以得出当前大学英语口语课堂的参与水平以及学生在以往的英语口语课堂是否参加过自主决定性口语活动。同时,研究者记录两个组的前测英语口语水平。在为期16周的实验过程中,本研究给与实验组充分的课堂决策权。实验组的学生自主决定讨论课本上口语话题顺序。此外,研究者在实验组的每次口语课上组织各种从内容到形式都灵活自主的口语活动,例如演讲,辩论,生活实景模拟等等。实验结束后,研究者再次在两个组采用同样的问卷以调查实验后两个组参与度的变化。两个组口语水平的后测结果也用来与前测结果进行比较。 本研究的主要发现为三个方面:1/)尽管当前英语口语课堂的自主决定性口语活动比较贫乏,学生的英语口语课堂参与度也比较低,大部分学生仍表示愿意通过参加各种灵活自主性口语活动来提高课堂口语参与度。2)问卷调查的前测和后测结果显示灵活自主性口语活动有助于提高学生课堂参与度。3)口语水平的前测和后测结果证明两个参与度提高的班级口语水平也有了显著提高,而且主要体现在口语准确性和流利性方面,复杂性方面没有显著变化。 当前实验结果反映了在大学英语口语课堂运用灵活的学生自主决定性活动的重要性。 For decades, both college teachers and students have attached much attentionto the development of English Oral Proficiency /(OP/). The current research choosesa new perspective which focuses on the effects of self-determinative activities onstudents’ classroom engagement and students’ oral proficiency. The purpose of thispaper is to apply flexible learner self-determinative activities to college oral Englishclassroom in China in order to find out if it can increase students’ classroomengagement as well as promote their oral English proficiency. Based onself-determinative theory /(SDT/) and students’ engagement theory /(SET/), this studyconducted an empirical study, focusing on the relationship among students’self-determinative activities, students’ classroom engagement and their oralproficiency will be discussed. The subjects are92International Economics and Trade majors enrolled atTextile and Garment College of Guangzhou University. The instruments are asemi-structured interview /(based on NSSE/), a questionnaire /(based on SDT andCCSSE/) and Oral Proficiency Tests. The research lasted sixteen weeks and theexperiment was administered to Class1/(the experimental group/), with Class2asthe control group. Before the experiment, a semi-structured was conducted to both two groupsand to gain information about current Chinese students’ attitudes towards theirengagement in oral English class. At the same time, a questionnaire wasadministered to all the92participants to investigate current Chinese students’engagement in oral English class. Besides, the results of the pre-test of oralproficiency from both groups were adopted. During the experiment, Class1wasgiven the full freedom to choose the order of topics listed in the textbook. What’smore, various oral activities were conducted during the sixteen weeks. Besides, allthe activities were processed on the basis of SDT. After the experiment, the same questionnaire was re-administered to all the participants in both classes and theresults of the post-test of oral proficiency from both groups were adopted. The findings show that though there is a relative low engagement with fewself-determinative oral activities conducted in current oral English classroom, moststudents are willing to enhance their oral engagement level by participating in moreself-determinative activities. What’s more, the results of pre and post questionnairereveal that the learner self-determinative activities do lead to higher degree ofstudents’ engagement in the experimental class, At last, the results of pre and postoral proficiency tests manifest that the increase of students’ classroom engagementdo promote their oral English proficiency. To be specific, accuracy and fluency havebeen improved, while complexity, as another aspect of oral proficiency, has notachieved significant progress. The result of the current research revealed and demonstrated the vital role ofself-determinative activities.
分 类 号: [H319]
领 域: [语言文字]