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The Strategic Research of China's International Financial Resources Gaining under the Global Economic Governance

导  师: 范洪颖

学科专业: 030207

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 传统由发达国家主导的全球经济治理体系正在因美国霸权相对衰落、西方发达国家经济衰退面临美元和国际金融体系边际收益递减的挑战。新兴市场国家崛起以及对全球经济治理的深度参与,让全球经济治理正在由霸权治理转向多级共治。中国作为新兴国家代表和世界第二大经济体,通过强烈的参与愿望、强大的综合实力以及二十国集团的发展有了深度参与全球经济治理,获取更多的国际利益的机遇。此外在经济全球化不断加深的今天,金融已成为衡量经济发展程度的重要指标,一国国际竞争力不断强大的基础之一在于其拥有多少国际金融资源。国际金融资源由基础性核心金融资源、中间性实体金融资源和整体性功能高层金融资源。作为国际金融资源基础性存在的人民币尚处在国际化的初级阶段,外汇储备虽大却存在风险;中国在国际金融体系当中的地位正在向决策制定者转换,然而中国的话语权虽然在增加,但发达国家仍占据主导地位;对于大宗商品定价权的缺失也让中国蒙受着巨大的损失。未来,在全球经济治理提供的机遇下,中国争取国际金融资源将实行“三步曲”:首先推进人民币国际化和维护外汇储备安全,其次积极参与国际金融组织事务,最后大力发展与金砖国家和新兴经济体的合作。 The traditional governance system of the global economy dominated by thedeveloped countries faces the challenges because of the diminishing marginal returnshappened in the U.S. dollar and the international financial system which are relativewith decline of U.S. hegemony, economic recession the Western developed countries.The rise of emerging market countries and the depth of participation in governance ofglobal economy let the system become to the multi-level governance from thehegemonic governance. China as a representative of emerging country and the world'ssecond largest economy has a chance to deeply involve the governance of globaleconomy and gets more international interests through a strong desire to participate, astrong comprehensive strength and development of the Group of Twenty. During thedeepening of economic globalization today, the number of international financialresources becomes an important index to measure a country's internationalcompetitiveness. International financial resources consist of the basic core financialresources, the intermediate entity financial resources and the unitary functionalhigh-level financial resources. RMB is still in the primary stage of internationalization.We have a huge foreign exchange reserves but there is great potential risk. China'sposition in the international financial system, which is being converted to thedecision-makers, is not useful enough and the developed countries still dominate thesystem. The lack of pricing for commodities let China suffer a huge loss. In the future,under the opportunities provided by the governance of global economy, China'sefforts about international financial resources will focus on promoting theinternationalization of the RMB and maintaining the security foreign exchangereserves, actively participating in international financial organization’s affairs, anddeveloping the relationship with BRICS and emerging economies.

关 键 词: 中国 全球经济治理 国际金融资源 金融战略进程

分 类 号: [F831]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 谭莎
作者 赵龙跃
作者 陈伟光
作者 黄雯华
作者 申丽娟


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东省社会科学院
机构 中山大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟