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A Report on Liaison Interpreting Practice in Automotive Parts Markets

导  师: 莫爱屏;张丽华

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本文是一份基于在汽车配件市场的联络口译实践的研究报告。作者曾陪同一名俄罗斯客人走访两个个汽配市场,并提供联络口译服务。客人来自俄罗斯,从事汽配行业多年。本次口译实践的目标是帮助客人从不同供应商中获取与产品和服务相关的信息。 通过对实践的回顾,作者发现联络口译中译员并不仅仅是传声筒或者语言转换器,而是拥有更大的主观能动性,在口译过程中可积极处理各种信息,享有一定程度上的自由,而不是时刻对说话人亦步亦趋。从实践中可以看到译员积极主动地参与到交际当中,并与交际中的各方互动。当就说话人原话语的直接翻译不能获得预想的交际效果,译员倾向于主动增添有用信息;为了使说不同语言的交际双方的交流能够更为紧凑,译员也会略不必要信息;当译员有限的背景知识不足以支持其对原话语的理解是,译员会主动向说话人缺失信息;为了让口译产出更有效,译员对说话人说话内容或表达方式做出一定调整。这些行动都是为了实现成功交际的目标——也是联络口译的一个关注的焦点。 本报告旨在通过对这些现象的详细分析,凸显口译译员的主体性,分析译员各种主动选择对交际带来的影响,从而强化译员主体性的意识。同时,通过分析译员在真实工作场景中的不同状况及其应对策略,可得到关于如何积极利用译员主观能动性的有用经验,从而指导未来的联络口译实践。 The report is based on the liaison interpreting practice conducted by the author intwo automotive parts markets. The author served as a liaison interpreter for the wholetask. The client the author served is a Russian man, who works in the industry foryears in Asia. The goal of the practice is to help the client get information aboutproducts and services from different suppliers. By reviewing the practice, the author finds out that the role of interpreter ininter-lingual communication is more than merely a microphone or a languageconverter. Instead, she has subjective initiative, with which she is able to takeinitiative to process the information and have freedom to some extend, rather thanmerely following the speaker. We can see examples of the interpreter activelyparticipating in the inter-lingual communication and interacting with othercommunicators. Instead of interpreting utterance word by word like a translatingmachine, the interpreter tends to add useful information when only interpreting theoriginal utterance is not enough to reach the communicative effect; omit unnecessaryinformation to make the communication more well-knit; ask for useful informationwhen there is not enough background information to support the interpreter’scomprehension of the source utterance; and adjust content and expression of thesource utterance to make the delivery more effective, etc. Such measures the authoradopts actively are to serve the goal of successful communication, which is a focus ofliaison interpreting. In this report, the author will analyze such phenomenon in a detailed way, inorder to highlight the subjectivity of liaison interpreter and show the influence of theinterpreter’s initiative choices in the practice, so as to raise the interpreter’ssubjectivity consciousness. Moreover, by reviewing the different situations the authorcame across during the practice in real working scenarios, some useful experiencesabout making active use of the interpreter’s subjective initiative can be extracted toserve as the guidance of liaison interpreting practices in the future.

关 键 词: 联络口译 译员主体性 增译 减译 调整

分 类 号: [H059]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 范慧君
作者 严魁
作者 吴佳


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学外国语学院
机构 揭阳职业技术学院
机构 私立华联学院西语系


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏