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Representation of Interpersonal Meaning in the Translation of Dialogues in Pride and Prejudice

导  师: 李明

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 小说以刻画人物为中心,人物形象塑造可以通过对话实现。人物对话蕴含丰富的人际意义。人际意义是系统功能语言学的一个重要概念,是语言固有的最为抽象、最具概括性的意义之一。通过人际意义,说话人表达意图、观点和态度,表征身份、地位和权势,建立并保持人际关系,影响他人的思想和行为,完成交往互动。 本研究从系统功能语言学的视角出发,以简·奥斯丁的小说《傲慢与偏见》为例,通过分析原文、王科一译本和孙致礼译本的对话翻译,探讨如何在译文中再现对话中的人际意义。 本研究为定性研究,具体研究方法是个案研究。本研究得出的结论如下:首先,影响对话翻译中人际意义再现的因素有语气系统的语气选择、语气隐喻、主语、时态和归一度,以及情态系统的情态隐喻和情态量值。第二,总体而言,王科一的译本在语气隐喻和情态隐喻方面再现了人际意义,而孙致礼的译本在语气选择、主语、时态、归一度和情态量值方面再现了人际意义。最后,具体而言,是否在译文中保留原文的语气选择和语气隐喻,依读者的可接受性而定;中文的语气词有助于突显人物性格。此外,译文中主语的选择由说话人意图和人物关系确定;时态的常见处理方式是省略、增添指示代词和意译;人际意义可以通过符合小说艺术风格的归一度得到再现。另外,若译文的情态隐喻和情态量值与原文一致,人际意义也可以得到再现。 Fiction is centered on characterization, which can be achieved by dialogues.Dialogues are closely associated with interpersonal meaning, which is an importantconcept in Systemic Functional Linguistics. As one of the most abstract andgeneralized meanings, interpersonal meaning is inherent in languages. Throughinterpersonal meaning, speakers can express intentions, viewpoints and attitudes,demonstrate identity, status and power, establish and maintain interpersonalrelationships with other people as well as influence their thoughts and actions so as tocommunicate and interact with them. From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics, the thesis conducts astudy of the dialogues in Pride and Prejudice and two Chinese versions by WangKeyi and Sun Zhili respectively. The study aims to explore how interpersonalmeaning is represented in the translation of dialogues. The study is qualitative with the case study as the concrete method. The studyhas yielded the following findings. Firstly, the factors that can affect therepresentation of interpersonal meaning in the translation of dialogues are moodchoices, metaphors of mood, Subject, tense and polarity in mood system, andmetaphors of modality and values of modality in modality system. Secondly,generally speaking, Wang’s version represents interpersonal meaning in terms ofmetaphors of mood and metaphors of modality, while Sun’s version represents it inrespect of mood choices, Subject, tense, polarity and values of modality. Lastly,specifically, the preservation or alteration of mood choices and metaphors of mood inthe translation is determined by the acceptability of the target readers. Modal particlesin Chinese are conducive to highlighting characters’ personalities. Besides, theSubject in the translation is reliant on the intention of the speaker and the relationshipsamong characters. The three most frequently used ways to translate tense are omission,addition of demonstrative pronouns and free translation. Interpersonal meaning can be represented through polarity which corresponds to the artistic style of fiction. Inaddition, if metaphors of modality and values of modality are the same with those inthe source text, interpersonal meaning can also be represented.

关 键 词: 再现 人际意义 对话翻译 傲慢与偏见

分 类 号: [H315.9 I046]

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 苏玲玲
作者 唐嘉蔚
作者 邝文霞
作者 王一乐
作者 何宇靖


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 暨南大学外国语学院
机构 华南理工大学


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作者 曹金蓉
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作者 范文嫣