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Great Rapprochement-a Study of Nixon Administration's Diplomatic Strategy Towards China /(1969-1972/)

导  师: 孔庆山

学科专业: 030207

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 二战后由于受意识形态和社会制度差异的影响,美国历届政府把新中国当作是一种威胁和敌人,对中我国实行孤立和遏制政策。到了二十世纪六、七十年代,由于国际环境和美国国内形势都发生了重大变化,迫于现实和维护美国国家自身利益的需要,尼克松政府不得不进行全球战略的大调整,促使美国外交政策发生一系列的转变。尼克松克服重重困难,主动寻求机会接近中国,积极推动中美关系的缓和,打破了彼此长达二十多年的敌对与隔阂。这一创举成为中美关系史上的重大转折点,为此后中美关系的发展奠定了良好基础。 本文共分为前言、正文和结束语三大部分。前言部分介绍了目前国内外对这一问题研究的现状。本人依据美国原始外交档案资料,在认真研读前人的研究成果的基础上,对这一问题进行重新梳理和研究,力求有所突破。正文部分分为四章。第一章从变化了的时代环境、尼克松和基辛格对均势的推崇以及中苏冲突三方面介绍了尼克松政府改变对华战略的原因。第二章介绍了尼克松政府对以蒋介石为首的台湾当局的政策的调整。台湾问题是影响美中关系的核心问题,美国的对台政策制约了对大陆的政策,对中国大陆的政策支配了对台湾的政策。第三章从六个方面介绍了尼克松政府实施对华战略调整,为实现美中两国的对话与和解创造条件。第四章介绍了尼克松调整对华战略对两国产生重大而深远的意义。结语部分对尼克松转变对华战略,实现中美大和解进行了评价。 After the Second World War, due to the differences in ideology and social system,the successive administrations of the United States regarded the People's Republic ofChina /(PRC/) as a threat and enemy and adopted the policy of isolation andcontainment. In the1960s and1970s, great changes took place in the internationalenvironment and in the U.S. Forced by reality, Nixon had to make globally strategicadjustments in order to safeguard national interests, which prompted a series ofchanges in the U.S. foreign policy. Overcoming great difficulties, Nixon activelysought opportunity to befriend China and ease the China-U.S. relations, which brokethe ice of twenty years’ hostility and estrangement. The Nixon’s1972visit is a majorturning point in the history and lays a good foundation for friendly development ofChina-U.S. relations. This article is divided into three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. Theintroduction part is about the current status of domestic and foreign research on theissue. Based on a large number of data and original diplomatic archives, the paper re-sorts and re-studies this issue, aiming to make a breakthrough. The main body isdivided into four chapters. In the first chapter, the paper introduces the causes forNixon's strategic adjustments towards China in the following three terms: the changedenvironment, Nixon and Kissinger’s love of balance of power and the Sino-Sovietconflicts. The second chapter introduces the Nixon administration’s policy towardsTaiwan. Taiwan is a key question between China-U.S. relations. The United States’Taiwan policy has restricted its mainland policy and the mainland policy hasdominated Taiwan policy. The third chapter introduces, from six aspects, the strategicadjustments Nixon made, which create conditions for the two countries' reconciliation.Chapter four introduces the far-reaching significance of Nixon's strategic adjustmentsfor the two countries. The conclusion part appraises Nixon’s strategic adjustmentstowards China.

关 键 词: 尼克松 对华战略 调整 和解

分 类 号: [D822.371.2]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 学院
机构 广州大学


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