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Research of Universities Patent Ownership

导  师: 常廷彬

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 高校的科技创新能力是中国发展成为“自主创新型国家”的重要推动力量。然而实践中围绕着高校的科研成果和发明创造频繁发生专利权属纠纷,主要包括高校与工作人员之间的权属纠纷、高校与合作企业之间的权属纠纷。专利的归属是进行专利申请、转化到专利产业化整个过程的基础,权利归属界定的不明确严重影响专利实施。这些问题困扰着发明人、高校和相关企业,也在不同程度上影响到了科技研发速度和社会经济发展,解决此类问题需要对高校专利的归属予以明确界定。笔者在对高校专利厘清概念后分析高校专利归属的特殊性,介绍美国、英国、德国和日本的专利归属制度中的立法经验和实践状况,分析了中国的高校专利归属现状和存在的问题,并对高校专利归属的现有情形进行了总结,最后提出了完善我国专利权归属制度的建议,包括立法完善、制定高校规章等。文章的主要结构是: 第一章,介绍了高校专利的概念和高校专利归属的理论根据; 第二章,分析了高校专利归属的特殊性和研究的必要性; 第三章,介绍了美国、日本、德国、英国的专利归属法律法规及高校内部的规章制度; 第四章,分析了中国的高校专利归属现状和问题; 第五章,就完善中国的高校专利归属制度提出了对策和建议。 China university of science and technology innovation ability is developed into'independent creative country' is an important driving force. However practicearound the university scientific research and invention patent ownership disputeoccurred frequently, mainly includes the ownership dispute between university andstaff, ownership dispute between the university and the cooperative enterprise. Apatent application for patent belongs is the basis of the whole process, transformationto the patent industrialization, unclear rights belonging to define the serious influencepatent enforcement. Inventor is plagued by these problems, colleges and universitiesand related companies, also affected the development of science and technology indifferent extent and speed of development of social economy, the need to solve suchproblems in colleges and universities on the ownership of the patent shall be clearlydefined. The author analysis after the patent to clarify the concept of university patentbelongs to the particularity of university, introduced the United States, Britain,Germany and Japan patent ownership system in the legislative experience andpractice situation, analysis of the current situation of China's colleges and universitiespatent ownership and the existing problems, and patent ownership, summarizes thecurrent situation in colleges and universities, and finally put forward the Suggestionsof perfecting our country's patent ownership system, including perfect legislation, setup the university regulations, perfect the incentive system, etc. Main structure of thearticle is: The first chapter, this paper introduces the concept of university patent and thepatent ownership according to the theory; The second chapter, analyzes the patent belongs to the particularity of universitiesand the necessity of research; The third chapter, introduced the United States, Japan, Germany, the UK patentownership laws, regulations and rules and regulations of the university internal; The fourth chapter, the paper analyzes the Chinese patent ownership status quoand problems of colleges and universities; The fifth chapter, improve the system of China's colleges and universities patentbelonging to put forward the countermeasures and Suggestions.

关 键 词: 高校 专利 职务发明 专利归属

分 类 号: [D923.42]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 胡益铭
作者 李银霞
作者 张梦楚
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作者 刘汉霞


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 华南农业大学


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作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚