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The Innovative Model Research of Service Industry Cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong

导  师: 王世豪

学科专业: 020206

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 1978年改革开放以来,粤港合作经历了长期稳定的发展,其合作模式和效果一直是决策者和学者们关注的焦点。粤港产业合作已成为中国“一国两制”背景下区域产业合作的成功范例。上海自贸区的成立敲响了粤港地区经济合作的警钟,如何创新合作模式和优化产业结构,实现产业升级和互利共赢,维护珠三角的地位,成为我们研究的当务之急。 本文通过列数据、画图表等形式对比研究了粤港服务业发展状况,梳理了粤港合作历史,将粤港产业合作划分为四个历史阶段,并从政策、经济互补性和CEPA的影响描述了粤港服务业合作的现状和问题,提出粤港应适应现阶段内外部环境,进行服务业合作的转型升级和模式创新。针对粤港服务业合作存在的相关问题并结合共生理论及产品生命周期理论,文章创新性的建立并演化了粤港服务业互利共生合作的数理模型,提出了粤港服务业合作的创新模式要从双方制度出发,以现代服务业合作为重点,建立互利合作的创新模式。并针对该模式提出了相关路径支持和政策建议,如建立粤港澳自贸区、建立服务贸易示范合作区、构建全方位服务外包平台等,为决策者和企业家们提供了有益的思路。 Since the performance of reforming and opening up policy in1978,Guangdong and Hong Kong has experienced a long-term and stable cooperation.And its co-ops and effects have always been the focus of policy makers andacademics. Guangdong has become a successful example of regional industrialcooperation under the 'one country, two systems' background. The founding ofShanghai FTA has alarmed Guangdong and HK to pay more attention to theircooperation,including innovating its co-ops and optimizing its industrial structure, soas to achieve industrial upgrading and mutual benefit and maintain the status of thePearl River Delta. It is also the priority of our research. In this paper,by displaying the column data and diagram we discussed the statusof service industry between Guangdong and Hong Kong comparatively. And also wecombed the industry cooperation history between them and divide the history intofour stages. By describing the present cooperation situation and problems in serviceindustry in areas of policy support, economic complementarily, and the effects ofCEPA, we recommend that Guangdong and Hong Kong should be made to adapt tothe external environment stage, upgrade their cooperation and innovate theircooperation model.Considering the problems existed in service industry betweenGuangdong and Hong Kong,the paper combined the symbiosis theory and PLCtheory and established the innovative mathematical model of mutualism cooperationin service industry between HK-GD, also the paper described the contents anddefinition of the new model in detail and proposed that from the viewpoint ofeliminating the policy difference, the new model should be emphasized to cooperatemainly in modern service industry and peruse the win-win effect between Guangdongand Hong Kong.Also the paper recommended some ways and advices for therealization of the new model,such as establishing HK-Macao-GD free trade zone,forming the service trade cooperation demonstration zone, building a full-serviceoutsourcing platform and so on,all of them may provide useful way of thinking forthose policy-makers.

关 键 词: 粤港合作 服务业 服务贸易 创新模式

分 类 号: [F719]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 王苹苹
作者 欧江波
作者 杨广
作者 韩晓东
作者 丁欣荣


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟