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A Comparative Study of 'Cross-straits' Relief Mechanisms in Government Procurement Law

导  师: 朱最新

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 随着政府采购市场的不断发展,政府采购规模的不断扩大,采购中矛盾纠纷、侵权现象增多,甚至于政府采购过程中的“暗箱操作”也不可避免,为了规范采购行为,抑制采购中的腐败现象,而需要一套健全的救济机制对当事人的权益进行救济。国际社会各个国家和地区会根据自己的特点选择不同的救济机制,在经济一体化的背景下,应在WTO《政府采购协议》下对政府采购制度进行合乎要求又不失特色的规范调整。台湾地区政府采购制度基本符合国际采购要求和规范,其救济机制的规范比较全面。而中国大陆正处于加入WTO《政府采购协议》的实质阶段,对两岸采购救济机制的比较研究有助于完善中国大陆采购救济机制的完善,最终规范政府采购制度。 论文以政府采购救济机制的概念、特点为逻辑起点,运用比较与研究相结合、利益分析、价值判断与功能分析相结合、多学科综合研究与分析等多种研究方法,分析了政府采购救济机制的价值取向:以公益至上,兼顾私益,在确保公平的基础上,兼顾效率,及以秩序为前提,兼顾自由:以政府采购救济机制价值取向为导向分析了政府采购救济机制的模式选择,并以WTO《政府采购协定》为视角,详细分析比较了两岸政府采购救济机制的救济主体、适用范围、救济程序三个方面的区别、联系以及各自特色。其中对政府采购救济主体的比较分析,探讨了提起救济程序主体,救济程序相对于人,救济受理机关这三个方面;适用范围上的分析明确了两岸政府采购救济机制的联系与区别;对政府采购救济程序的比较是从政府采购的两个阶段,即政府采购授予合同阶段和履约争议救济程序来探讨。在此基础上,从宏观及微观两个层面进一步剖析了中国大陆政府采购机制立法上的不足,救济机制片面化与框架化,并借鉴了台湾地区救济机制提出了设置独立部门管理救济事宜,完善政府采购质疑制度,政府采购救济队伍专业化,丰富政府采购救济形式四点理论设想。 Government Procurement is the purchasing behavior of government orits agent at a status of consumer. In particular, it refers to thepurchasing of goods, projects or services on behalf of a public authorityat any level, using the national financial funds or public borrowing fordaily affairs or for the purpose of public services. Governmentprocurement refers not only to a specific procurement process, but alsocollectively to the purchasing policy, purchasing procedures, purchasingprocess, and purchasing management. It is a management system for publicprocurement. Therefore, a complete and reasonable government procurementsystem plays a very important role in the effective utilization of publicresources and the improvement of fund use, and thus is an important partof financial expenditure management system. However, with the continuousdevelopment of government procurement market, and the expansion of thescale of government procurement, disputes and infringements as well asblack-box operation in the government procurement become unavoidable. Toregulate the government procurement activities, inhibit corruption in theprocurement, promote the construction of national integrity, and achievesocial harmony, it is objectively necessary to build a sound relief systemof government procurement to resolve the disputes therein. If the problemsappeared in the process of government procurement were unable to getrelief in a timely manner, the rights and interests of the suppliers willundoubtedly suffer heavy damage, which is harmful to the smoothdevelopment of government procurement. Therefore, the relief system ofgovernment procurement is the key of the whole procurement law, and theestablishment of a complete and highly effective relief system ofgovernment procurement becomes vitally important. This thesis mainly study the Relief System in the GovernmentProcurement Law of Mainland China and Taiwan area. Although theprocurement law of mainland government still has many problems, it is fullof Chinese characteristics. The government procurement relief system ofthe two areas are different and with distinctive characteristics, and thus the mutual learning of the two areas with the same root has positive andrealistic meaning for the improvement of the government procurementrelief system of the two areas. Therefore, the comparative study of thisthesis upon the relief system of the government procurement of the twoareas has its importance and necessity. In comparisons, new problems areeasily discovered and solved, improvements can be made to the procurementlaw, and disputes in the procurement process can thus be avoided moreeffectively.

关 键 词: 政府采购法 救济机制 比较研究

分 类 号: [D922.22]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 潘高峰
作者 罗艺方
作者 吴成钢
作者 钟小文
作者 代中现


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学岭南学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚