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Exploration of Jiao Ran's 'Yi Jing' Theory

导  师: 陈桐生

学科专业: 050101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 皎然是中唐著名诗论家,著有《诗式》、《诗议》等多部诗论著作,在唐代文论史上享有举足轻重的地位。皎然的诗歌理论看似驳杂,实则隐含着内在系统性和逻辑性。他在儒道释文化的熏染中,在前人文论思想的启迪下有意识地突出、强调“境”这一诗学概念,将它视为诗歌艺术最重要的审美要素,从而以“境”为核心提挈起其诗论的全部。围绕着“境”,皎然广泛而深入地阐述了诗歌意境的特征,提出了意境创造的具体方法和原则,归纳概括出了十九种意境风格类型,最终构建起一套系统、深刻、完善的意境理论,标示着意境理论的正式形成。 然而,学界对皎然意境理论的研究却是明显不足的。已有的研究或是未能认清“境”的核心地位,或是停留于对其进行简单的阐释说明。本文通过细致的文本分析,论证了“境”在皎然诗学中的核心地位,进而从皎然意境理论的产生条件、主要内容、后世影响三个方面进行深入探究。 绪论部分主要梳理了学界对皎然意境理论的研究情况。 第一章主要研究皎然意境理论的形成条件。皎然深受儒道释文化影响,儒道释思想中蕴含着诸多与意境理论相关的因子,它们为皎然意境理论奠定了哲学基础。前代文论家,特别是刘勰、王昌龄,对心与物、情与景的关系认识对皎然有着直接的启迪作用。此外,大历诗人关注个人内心世界,善于艺术构思和意境创造,促进了皎然意境理论的快速形成。 第二章主要研究皎然意境理论的内容。从《诗式》的内容和结构分析,“境”是皎然诗论的核心,统摄着皎然试论中的其他概念、范畴。其理论体系主要涉及了特征论、创造论、风格论三方面内容。皎然对意境“情景交融”、“虚实相生”、“文外之旨”特征已有清晰的认识,他从立意构思到文字表达详细论述了意境创造的具体方法,并根据不同意境的风格特点,分出十九种意境类型。 第三章主要研究皎然意境理论的后世影响。皎然意境理论在中国诗论史上享有重要地位,对后世文学创作和文论发展有着深远的影响。皎然强调创造意境时立意要新、奇、险,影响了韩孟诗派的创作方向和追求。其次,皎然以佛语论诗的论说方式开启了后世“以禅论诗”的风气。再次,皎然对“文外之旨“的追求也得到后世文论家的自觉承传。 Jiao Ran is a famous poetic theorist in Tang Dynasty. He wrote “Shi Shi”,“ShiYi” and some other works about poetic, which make him play a decisive role inChinese literature theory history. Jiao Ran’s poetic theory seems to be complex, butimplied intrinsic system and logic.Influenced by confucianism, Taoism, Buddhismculture and enlighted by former theorists, he emphasized “YiJing”,regarded it as themost important aesthetic element of the poetry, leading his all poetic. Focusing on“Jing”, JiaoRan widly and deeply expound its features, put forward the concretemethods and principles to create “YiJing”, generalized nineteen styles of “YiJing”.Finally, he constructed a systematic, profound “YiJing” theory. However, the academic research on Jiao Ran’s “YiJing” theory is stillunsufficient. Some existing research failed to recognize its core status, some are justmake the simple explanation. This text aims to demonstrate “YiJing”’s core status inJiao Ran’s poetic. By detailed analysis, I make deep exploration on the produceconditions of Jiao Ran’s “YiJing” theory, the main contains and the influence of his“YiJing” theory,. The introduction part mainly illustrates the existing research on Jiao Ran’s“YiJjing” theory. The first chapter research on the produce conditions of Jiao Ran’s “YiJing” theory.Jiao Ran was influenced by confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism culture. These culturescontain a lot of factors about “YiJing” theory and lay a philosophical foundation ofJiao Ran’s “YiJing” theory. Secondly, the former theorists, especially LiuXie andWang Changling had had clear understanding about the relationship between “mind”and “object”,“feeling” and “scene”, which effected Jiao Ran directly. Thirdly, thepoets in DaLi period payed more attention to their personal feeling and were good at“YiJing” creation, promoting the formation of Jiao Ran’s “YiJing” theory. The second chapter research on the main contains of Jiao Ran’s “YiJing” theory.Analying the contain and the structure of “Shi Shi”, we obviously found that “Jing” isan important conception which dominate the other conceptions in Jiao Ran’s poetic.His “YiJing” theory contains features theory, creation theory and style theory. JiaoRan recognized the features of “fusion of feeling with the natural setting”,“false andtrue” and “with the meaning beyond the text”. He expounded detailed method tocreate “YiJing”. And he classified nineteen styles of “YiJing”, basing on thedifferences of their characteristic. The third chapter research on the influence of Jiao Ran’s “YiJing” theory. thistheory take a important part in Chinese literature theory history.,and influent the literature creation and theory development in the later age. Jiao Ran advocated to benew, unexpected, affecting the literature creation direction and aesthetic pursuit of“Han Meng poetry faction. Secondly, Jiao Ran started to use buddhistic phrases in hispoetic. Thirdly, Jiao Ran appreciated the poem with the meaning beyond the writtenwords, this poetry aesthetic pursuit is carried forward by many theorist in the latterage.

关 键 词: 皎然 意境 情景 虚实 文外之旨

分 类 号: [I207.22]

领  域: [文学]


作者 王豪菁
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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 暨南大学


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