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Claustrophobia of the Enlosed Space

导  师: 王友贵

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 《收藏家》是英国重要的实验派作家约翰·福尔斯发表于1963年的处女作,描写了一个一夜暴富的小职员绑架一名艺术女生并把她囚禁至死的过程。虽然小说十分畅销,但由于其类似犯罪小说而长期被学术界忽视。近年来国内外的研究也基本不超过存在主义、性别研究、心理分析等范围。而本文聚焦于分析文本中的哥特因素及其作品主题的关系。在文学空间研究的框架下,借助哥特批评分析方法,本文重点分析了小说中几种不同的“封闭空间”,指出小说的恐怖效果是作者借助哥特传统营造的“封闭空间恐惧”;哥特空间的隐喻关注的是当代社会中人的精神世界,表达了对个体孤独、人性异化的担忧,对自由丧失和自由肆虐的忧虑。小说还探讨了在绝望的世界里如何实现个体自由。 本文简要介绍了作者和作品内容,概述了《收藏家》的研究现状和本研究的任务所在。接下来进行了哥特溯源、阐述了与哥特空间相关的重要概念,并说明了文学批评的“空间转向”的理论启示。第三章探索了《收藏家》继承的哥特小说传统,探讨了小说中不同层面的封闭式哥特空间意象和其中的隐喻,解释了封闭空间如何体现了人与社会、人与人和人与自我之间的关系。第四章分析了哥特空间传统在福尔斯笔下的新特征,阐释了“封闭”中的“越界”可能性。结论指出了福尔斯借哥特小说的含混性特质给予了读者存在主义式的自由选择。 The Collector, published in1963, is the debut of John Fowles, one of the mostimportant British writers of the twentieth century. The novel depicts how a clerk, afterwining pools, kidnaps and imprisons a middle-class girl. Although this novel soongoes popular and initiates Fowles’s literary career, it has long been marginalized incritical circle due to its resemblance to crime fiction. In recent years, researches ofthis novel, though increasing in number, fall basically within the scope ofexistentialism, gender politics, and psychoanalysis. This research, however, focuseson Fowles’s use of Gothic elements, especially Gothic space in The Collector, andexplores how the Gothic spatial trope is employed to manifest the thematicsignificance of the fiction. Under the theoretical frame of literary space studies,Gothic critical approaches are adopted to analyze how the novel createsclaustrophobic experience for both the characters and the readers. This research alsotries to connect Fowles’s Gothic spatial metaphor with his existentialist ideas; byconstructing a multi-layered enclosed space in the novel, Fowles shows his concernfor the contemporary social problems such as the isolation and alienation of self, theloss and abuse of individual freedom, and how to obtain the freedom of self in anabsurd world. This thesis, consisting of five chapters, aims to interpret The Collector as amodern Gothic fiction. The first chapter introduces the author, the novel, previousresearches and the main tasks of this research. Chapter Two traces the origin and development of Gothic genre together with relevant studies on Gothic space; still, thischapter introduces the main ideas of the “spatial turn” in literary criticism, whichprovides an analytical framework to this thesis. The third and forth chapter constitute the main body of this thesis. Chapter Threeis devoted to expound on how Fowles Gothicizes the novel with his spatial art andwhat the spatial metaphor is through enclosed Gothic spaces. Chapter Four analyzesthe possibilities of transgression in the enclosed space, and discusses Fowles’sdevelopment of Gothic tradition. The fifth chapter is a conclusion.

关 键 词: 收藏家 哥特传统 封闭空间 自由

分 类 号: [I561.074]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院


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