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导  师: 庞焱

学科专业: 050205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 同声传译是指翻译者同步而不间断地将所听到的源语言口译为目标语言的一种翻译方式,即时性是其最主要的特点。同声传译员在非常大的时间压力之下,很难保证译语信息的完整和准确。漏译就是指译语信息不完整的情况。前人研究证实无论是专业译员还是新手译员都无法避免漏译,新手译员和初学者的漏译比重相比专业译员来说更高。可见漏译是困扰同传初学者的一个难题。 本研究关注同声传译学习者的漏译现象,在前人实验性研究的基础上,本研究以中日同传课堂上的口译语料为对象,对中日同传初学者在进行中到日和日到中口译时的漏译分别进行描述性研究。笔者运用Excel数据分析软件对初学者的漏译比例、位置和漏译的性质进行统计、分类,重点分析了严重漏译的多种情况;并基于语料对漏译的发生原因进行初步探讨和归纳。 研究发现,无论是中到日还是日到中的同声传译,从漏译部分所充当的句子成分来看,句中的修饰成分、并列成分、插入语以及复句中的单句等是最容易漏译的。漏译的原因大多集中在B语言(第二外语)一侧,即B语言源语的听解或B语言译语的输出,但是如果A语言源语的信息密度大、用词艰涩生硬时,会给译者造成更大的困难。另外,笔者观察三名初学者的口译表现时还发现,他们有着各自的口译特点,口译时的主要困难也各有不同,因此在口语教学中要注意到这种个体差异,因材施教。本研究对于明确口译初学者的口译难点,提高学习的针对性有实践性意义,为优化教学、学习方法提供了一定的借鉴。 Simultaneous interpretation is the translator synchronization without interruption to atranslation of the source language into the target language interpreting hear,instant is itsmain characteristic. For simultaneous interpreter who is under time pressure, it is difficultto ensure the completeness and accuracy of target information. Omission refers to thetarget information is incomplete. Previous studies confirmed that both professionaltranslators and novice interpreters can not avoid the omission, novice translators havehigher proportion of leakage than professional interpreters.Omission is a difficult problemto interpreting learners. This study focus on simultaneous translation learner’s omission phenomenon. Basedon previous experimental studies, this study use simultaneous interpretation corpus whichis done in the classroom as the object, describes the Chinese-Japanese simultaneouslearners’s leakage in Chinese to Japanese interpretation and Japanese to Chineseinterpretation respectively. The author uses the Excel data analysis software to statisticlearners’omission ratio, location and analyze the omissions into several classifications,focuses on the serious omissions in the corpus;and based on the data of omission try todiscuss the causes and summarize it. Study found that, regardless of the direction of simultaneous interpretation,Chinese toJapanese interpretation or Japanese to Chinese interpretation,from the sentencecomposition omission part acting, modifiers and parallel composition,the insertion and thesimple sentence in complex sentences, are the most easy part to be omitted. Leakagecause of translation is mostly in the B language /(Second Language/) side, namely listeningto B language source language and outputting B language target language.But if the Alanguage source language information density is high, or the words are obscure, it wilcause greater difficulties for translators. In addition, three learners interpretationperformance have respective characteristics,the main difficulties are alsodifferent.Therefore oral interpretation teaching should pay more attention to the individualdifferences, teach students in accordance with their aptitude.The research clearedinterpretation learners difficult, it has practical significance to improve learning, providingsome reference for the optimization of teaching, learning methods.

关 键 词: 漏译 课堂语料 初学者 中日同传 实证分析

分 类 号: [H36]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 王娉婷
作者 庞焱
作者 刘婷
作者 胡国鸽
作者 朱佳华


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏