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Report on the Translation of Rose,1944

导  师: 张保红

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 这篇报告讨论了翻译《烽火玫瑰》遇到的问题。作者是英国小说家,诗人海伦·邓莫尔。译者翻译了其中的三个短篇故事:《烽火玫瑰》、《鲸鱼和海豹》、《范尼写给埃斯特的信》。《烽火玫瑰》讲述了驻扎在英国的黑人士兵弗雷德里克和英国人玫瑰之间的爱情故事,他们于二战期间相识相爱。但黑人歧视盛行,他们的爱情注定是个悲剧。这个故事涉及语音变异,句法变异和语义变异。语音变异包括首音节省略和黑人英语,主要用于描述人物心理,揭示背景信息。句法变异包括非常规主位和句子成分省略,主要是强调被前置的部分,表达弦外之音或衔接语篇。语义变异包括比喻,转喻,夸张,在于增强文章的审美趣味。《鲸鱼和海豹》讲述了一个母亲的大洋之旅。她的儿子因为车祸而失去自理能力。她了解鲸鱼妈妈和海豹妈妈的故事后,大受鼓舞,决定后半辈子都照顾儿子,陪伴他左右。这篇故事中的语相变异,即斜体增加了弦外之音,并生动地刻画了人物形象。故事《范尼写给埃斯特的信》中,范尼朴实而生动地讲述了自己于1811年,在没有麻醉的情况下切除乳房的全过程,“我”为她的勇气所折服。文中斜体成功地转变了叙述对象,衔接自然。讽刺手法使平实的语言平添幽默。 这篇报告讨论了两大类变异:表层结构变异和深层结构变异。表层方面,首音节省略和黑人英语为语音变异,斜体为语相变异,非常规主位以及句子成分省略为句法变异。针对每种变异,译者首先给出定义,然后举例分析其文体功能,再决定翻译策略。 具体来说,增译和减译常用于处理语音变异。斜体根据功能分为四类,主要有增译,加引号和改写译法。句法变异,如形容词或名词位于句子主位,译者也采用强调前置部分,增译或减译方法,以实现语篇连贯或表达言外之意。深层结构变异即语义变异,主要涉及增强文章审美性的修辞手法,如比喻,转喻,讽刺,夸张,有改写译法,增译,替代译法。总之,这篇报告讨论的变异及其译法旨在增强译者的文体“独特性”意识,强调了文体分析的重要性,有助于从词法,句法以及修辞层面更好地再现源语。 This report discusses problems in translating the book Rose,1944. It’s written byHelen Dunmore, a British novelist and poet. The translator translates Rose,1944,Whales and Seals, and Esther to Fanny. Rose,1944presents a love story between ablack Frederick and a British Rose. They meet and fall in love during the SecondWorld War when Frederick is a soldier who stations in Britain. Racial discriminationprevails among the white and it dooms the love to a failure. In this story, phonologicaldeviation, syntactic deviation and semantic deviation are involved. Aphesis and blackspeech under phonological deviation serve to psychological description of a characteror implication of background information. Unusual clause theme and ellipsis undersyntactic deviation emphasize what’s shifted to the initial part of a clause, expressextra meanings or knit a smoothly transitional text. Metaphor, metonymy andoverstatement under semantic deviation, adds aesthetic taste to the story. Whales andseals is about a mother’s sea trip whose son cannot manage himself after a caraccident. When she knows the story of the mother whale and the mother seal, she ischeered up and decides to stay with his son, taking care of him, for the rest of her life.Italics under graphological deviation add overtones and vividly make a livelycharacter. Esther to Fanny is inspired by Fanny Burney’s brilliant and moving accountof the mastectomy she underwent mastectomy without anaesthetic in1811. Italicsunder graphological deviation successfully change the narrative object and thus makea cohesion text. Irony under semantic deviation makes a plainly humorous story. This report includes two kinds of deviation: surface-structure deviation anddeep-structure deviation. At surface-structure deviation, this report introduces aphesisand black English at the phonological level, italics at the graphological level, unusualclause theme and ellipsis at the syntactic level. For each kind of deviation, thetranslator first gives a brief definition and examples to analyze stylistic functions, and then decides how to translate them. Specifically, addition or omission is usually used to translate phonologicaldeviation. And for italics, which is divided into four types in terms of their functions,addition, rewriting, and quotation marks are the usual means.And for syntactic deviation, like adjectives or nouns at the initial part of a clause, thetranslator also takes different means, such as shifting what’s emphasized to the initialpart, adding or omitting transitional words to neatly knit a text together or expressextra meanings. By deep-structure deviation is meant also the semantic deviation. Inthis report, it involves figures of speech, like metaphor, metonymy, irony andoverstatement, which are used to add aesthetic taste to the text. Such methods asrewriting, addition and substitution are usually used. In a word, deviation andstrategies of translating deviation discussed in this report enhances the translator’sconsciousness to the uniqueness of a text and attaches importance to stylistic analysisfor translating, which serve to reproduce the source language in terms of diction,syntax, and figures of speech.

关 键 词: 翻译 语言变异 策略

分 类 号: [I046 H315.9]

领  域: [文学] [语言文字]


作者 熊燕
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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 广州大学外国语学院


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