导 师: 陈寒溪
学科专业: 030207
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 自1949年新中国成立代以来,中国已经与绝大部分邻国解决了陆地边界争端。在这个过程中,中国解决边界争端采用了较为稳定的政策,这表现为政策目标、原则以及解决措施的连续性和一致性。但是从2009年至今,中国与日本在东海和钓鱼岛,与菲律宾、越南在南海的领土争端突然激化,外交纠纷明显增多。在双边争端的螺旋式上升过程中,中国采取了比较强硬的应对措施,向菲、越、日三国施加了前所未有的政治和军事压力,表明中国正在调整传统政策的目标、原则和措施,中国解决领土争端的政策从温和走向强硬。本文的研究表明,中国无法照搬解决陆地领土争端的经验,来解决海洋领土争端。中国正在尝试政策调整和改革,以应对新的问题。 Since the founding of new China in the1949s,China has solved the land borderdisputes with the vast majority of neighbors. In the process, China took the stablepolicy to solve the border dispute.These policy mainly embodied on the followingaspects:take successional and consistent policy objectives, principles and measures tosolve territorial disputes.But since2009, The dispute between China and Japan on theDiaoyu islands,and the dispute with the Philippines andVietnam in the South Chinasea suddenly intensified,and the diplomatic dispute increased obviously.In the processof spiral of bilateral dispute,China has taken tough measures, imposed unprecedentedpolitical and military pressure to Philippines, Vietnam and Japan.It shown that Chinahas adjusted the traditional policy objectives, principles and measures,which China'spolicy to solve territorial disputes from moderate to tough.This research has shownthat China cannot copy the land of territory disputes experience to solve the seaterritorial disputes.China is trying to adjust policy and reform in order to cope withnew problems.
分 类 号: [D823]