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Research on Explicitation of Connectives in Chinese-English Interpreting

导  师: 莫爱屏

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 连接词的显化现象作为一种重要的翻译现象,时常出现在口译活动之中。然而,目前的研究比起关注口译中的显化现象,在研究范围、研究规模以及研究所涉及的语种等方面来看,更注重对笔译中出现的显化现象进行研究。因此,对口译中出现的显化现象进行探讨是十分必要的。本文将运用实证方法,以语料库为辅助,研究连接词显化的性质特征,研究连接词显化在何种情况下使用,并进一步探讨本研究对于今后口译实践的借鉴与参考意义。 在前人的研究基础上,本文认为连接词显化现象在口译活动中经常出现,对其性质特征进行研究,并对连接词显化出现的场景模式进行分析。为此,本研究建立了相关的汉英语料库,涵盖近10年(2004-2013年)的“两会”记者招待会的口译资料。运用实证方法,并辅之以语料库以及语料库软件,本研究将对口译资料进行定量与定性的分析。结合本研究的研究目的,考虑到连接词是各种语言普遍存在的语言标记,也是在语言转换活动过程中有规律增加或减少的成分,因此,本研究选用连接词作为研究的切入点。本文所涉及的显化现象将分为两类:强制性显化与非强制性显化,所有的分析以及数据的得出都会围绕这两类显化现象展开。在此基础上,本文还将探究强制性显化与非强制性显化在未来口译活动,特别是在新闻发布会口译工作中的运用,希望为将来的口译实践提供有益的建议与研究角度。 本文的结论是:基于两类显化现象的研究,特别是对两类显化现象本质的探究,在口译活动中,连接词的显化现象具有较为固定的成因,并可以运用于口译实践中。本文通过验证这一观点,为今后口译活动中的口译质量评估和译员能力提升提供借鉴。 As one of the most significant language transfer phenomena, explicitation of connectivesplays an important role in various cross-language activities. However, current research in thisarea has focused more on translation than interpreting, in terms of study scopes, scales, andlanguages involved. Thus, it is necessary to explore further into the explicitation ofconnectives in interpreting studies. This study aims to research on the nature of explicitationof connectives and provide insights for future interpreting practice and studies. With theassistance of corpus material, this research will adopt an empirical approach to studying thenature of explicitation of connectives, under which conditions explicitation occurs and howthis research can promote quality control and performance improvement in the practice ofinterpreting. On the basis of the previous research, this study proposes and examines the nature ofexplicitation of connectives and under what conditions it occurs. By building a bidirectionalinterpreting corpus of Chinese government press conferences, i.e. the NPC and CPPCC pressconferences, for the past10years /(2004-2013/), this research will conduct both quantitativeand qualitative analysis with the assistance of software such as AntConc. Considering theobject of this study, connectives are used as a good starting point for the research ofexplicitation in interpreting as they provide common language markers in various languages,and are added and omitted in interpreting according to the conventions of a particularlanguage. Explicitation of connectives in this study will be divided into two categories:obligatory and optional. This thesis will focus on these two types and explain reasons withvalid examples and original data. The application of obligatory and optional explicitation ofconnectives will also be analyzed in an empirical approach in order to provide practicalsuggestions, clues, and hopefully some insights for the interpreters in their future interpreting practice. This thesis concludes that explicitation is an important interpreting strategy due to itsnature, and there are certain causes for the adoption of this strategy. The application of it canpromote future practice in quality control and performance improvement in interpretingactivities. It is expected that it can provide practical insights for both academic research andinterpreting practice in the future.

关 键 词: 口译研究 两会 记者招待会 连接词显化现象

分 类 号: [H315.9]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 樊睿
作者 邹凌冰
作者 黎小燕
作者 曾红梅
作者 杨燕荣


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学外国语学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学西方语言文化学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏