导 师: 卢红梅
学科专业: 0551
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 耳语口译是口译员在听者的耳边轻声进行翻译,通常应用于只有少数一两人需要翻译的状况。相比坐在箱子里的同传译员,耳语口译员由于没有耳机设备,所以其受到外界的干扰更大,而且其承受的心理压力也不亚于前者。 本篇报告结合作者的实践经验和观摩经历,在对作者本人在一次国际研讨会上的耳语口译实战中表现的自我评估以及口译产出的文本分析基础上,作者试图分析并总结耳语口译中常遇到的难题,包括逻辑关系的隐与显、专有名词、信息缺失、信息冗余和文化隔阂。同时,作者结合自身的口译实践案例,分析和总结了耳语口译中可以运用的四种变译策略,分别是:增补、删减、改译和重组,为上述难题提供参考解决方案。希望本报告能够帮助其他译员更好地掌握耳语口译中的变译手法,并且能给未来在耳语口译发展的译员提供一些参考。 In whispering interpreting, the interpreter sits or stands next to the smalltarget-language audience whilst whispering a simultaneous interpretation of thematter to hand; this method requires no equipment, but may be done via a microphoneand headphones if the participants prefer. Whispering interpreting is used undercircumstances where the majority of a group speaks the source language, and aminority /(ideally no more than three people/) does not speak it. Compared with thesimultaneous interpreter in the booth, the whispering interpreter, without microphone,may confront disturbance from the speaker and the pressure is no less than the former. Based on the self-assessment of his whispering interpreting performance at aninternational symposium and an analysis of recorded transcription, the author studiesthe typical difficulties that frequently occur in whispering interpreting, includingambiguous logical relation, Chinese characteristic terms, information redundancy, lossof information, and cultural gap. The author also analyzes his cases to summarize thefour variation approaches that can be applied in whispering interpreting, includingsupplementation, omission, modification, and reorganization. The author hopes thatthis report can help other interpreters better understand and apply variationapproaches in whispering interpreting and can offer some references for interpreterswho want to work in the field of whispering interpreting.
分 类 号: [H059]
领 域: [语言文字]