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Asymmetry of Contextual Information and Intention Negotiation

导  师: 霍永寿

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本文在历史语用学的视角下研究元代著名杂剧《西厢记》中崔夫人的承诺。本文主要采用塞尔提出的指示承诺行为施事语力的四个语义条件:命题内容条件,预备条件,真诚条件和基本必要条件。通过分析语境信息不对称对于说话人及听话人理解这几个条件是否满足产生的影响,以及意图在意义理解中的作用,本文试图找出语境信息不对称和意图协商在言语交际中的作用。 本研究主要采取定性分析的方法,分析语境信息不对称及意图协商对于《西厢记》中崔夫人做出承诺,打破承诺,到履行承诺的过程中起到的作用,探讨二者在言语交际中的角色。 通过案例分析和讨论,本文主要有以下三点发现。第一,语境信息在做出承诺及理解承诺中起到举足轻重的作用。交际双方掌握的语境信息不对称,在很大程度上会影响听话人对于做出承诺者是否具备实施所承诺行为的意图的理解。理解不同,承诺是否具备施事语力就不能确定。施事语力是否具备不能确定,承诺是否得以履行就不确定,承诺者便可以否定自己的意图,为拒绝履行承诺找到借口。从另一方面看,意义不确定为双方进行意图协商提供了空间。第二,意义是由交际双方共同确定的。当他们对于同一个承诺的意义出现不同的理解,且说话人拒绝履行承诺时,可能会导致两种不同的结果。听话人可能接受说话人拒绝履行承诺的说辞和做法,结果承诺的行为没有被执行,言语交际失败。另一种情况是,交际双方通过意图协商来确定承诺的意义,使承诺的行为得以实现,言语交际得以成功。第三,在承诺中所表达出来的意图,或者承诺行为的真诚条件,并不是承诺行为中唯一的决定性因素。一个人在做出承诺时不仅具备其所表达出来的意图,还具备交际意图,即说话人意图借由承诺行为达到的目的。在有的情况下,表达出来的意图没有得到实施,交际意图却有可能已经达到。也就是说,承诺者靠着不真诚的承诺达到了自己的交际目的。 在运用施事行为四个语义条件理解承诺类言语行为的过程中引入语境信息不对称,能够使我们找到言语行为施事语力不确定的原因,解释语料中说话人拒绝履行承诺、说话双方通过协商最终确定承诺的意义,在某种程度上可能也有助于解释施事行为的不真诚或不得体问题。同时,对于意图协商的研究很有可能会使我们注意到听话人在言语交际中更加积极主动的角色,从而为意义这一古老的研究主题注入新的内容。 This thesis is based on historical text from the perspective of historical pragmatics. The Romance of the Western Bower/(Xixiangji/) is chosen as the data source. This drama is about the love story of Cui Yingying and Zhang Gong with the promise by Madame Cui as the key clue. The speech act of promising is the object of research for this thesis. The role of context in Madame Cui's promising act and others' response to it, the negotiation process between interlocutors, and the reason why Madame Cui can break her promise are the questions that this research attempts to answer. The aim of this research is to apply asymmetry of contextual information under the four conditions for illocutionary acts, in particular those of promising, and the role of intentions in the experience of meaning to understand Madame Cui's promise in the Romance of the Western Bower in order to find out what role the context plays in Madame Cui's breaking her promise and how other people are able to negotiate with Madame Cui to make her fulfill her promise. This research is mainly qualitative. What is to be analyzed in this thesis is the process of how Madame Cui makes the promise, breaks the promise, and fulfills the promise. In this process, asymmetry of contextual information between the speaker and the hearer under the four conditions for illocutionary acts and intentions in meaning will be employed to explore how promises should be understood and how meaning is determined through negotiation in linguistic communication. Through analysis and discussion, there are several findings in this thesis. First, context or contextual information plays a significant role in the making and understanding of a promise. The difference in contextual information each side of the communication holds can to a large extent influence their understanding of whether the promisor has the intention to carry out the promised act. Therefore, whether the promise should be carried out is indeterminate. With the indeterminacy of the illocutionary force of a promise, the promisor can deny his intentions and find excuses not to fulfill his promise. It also leaves room for negotiation. Second, meaning understanding is a process of construction by both the speaker and the hearer. When they have different understandings on the same promise, they can still achieve a successful linguistic communication through intention negotiation. Third, the expressed intention, or the sincerity condition for commissives is not the final factor in a promise. The promisor has a communicative intention as well as the expressed intention. He may realize the former while the latter is not carried out. The introduction of asymmetry of contextual information into understanding a promise under the four conditions for illocutionary acts may in some sense help explain the insincerity or infelicity of illocutionary acts such as promising. The research of negotiating meaning would possibly draw our attention to a more active role of the hearer in communication, and may thus lead to a new phase in the study of meaning.

关 键 词: 语境信息 不对称 承诺 意图协商

分 类 号: [H13]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 谢朝群
作者 李垂佳
作者 周珮
作者 桂永霞
作者 何杨


机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


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作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
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