导 师: 杨文慧
学科专业: 0551
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 文化意象是一种凝聚着一个民族的智慧和历史文化、具有相对固定、独特的文化内涵、带有丰富联想意义的文化符号。文化意象作为一种特殊的民族文化符号往往具有丰富的文化内涵和联想意义,因而文学翻译中应尽可能进行异化处理,在的语文本中予以保留。但是考虑到目标语言读者的文化背景和知识储备,有时又需要进行适当的变化和补充。 本篇报告结合作者翻译《德州之子》部分章节的实践经验,在对翻译文本分析的基础上,结合该文本文化意象翻译中遇到的难题,总结出文化意象翻译的准则和常用方法。在翻译文本的过程中,作者主要采用异化的处理方式,尽可能保留这些文化意象的文化内涵与联想意义;在异化为主的翻译手段之外,对于部分文化意象作者采取了归化或其他手段。 本文主要分为四部分。第一部分为任务描述,将简要介绍小说《德州之子》;第二部分为过程描述,其中将会对改翻译报告的研究过程进行简要介绍;第三部分为小说最重要的部分,将会讨论一些从小说中摘取的有关文化意象翻译的例子;第四部分为总结部分,作者将对整个报告进行简要总结。 Cultural images are cultural symbols which bear a nation’s wisdom and history;constant and unique, they may arouse abundant associations. As a special kind ofnational cultural symbol, cultural images contain rich cultural connotations andconnotative meanings, and thus should be retained as often and much as possible inthe target language text by employing the foreignization strategy. However,considering the culture and knowledge background of the target readers, somevariations and supplements are also necessary. Based on the translation of some chapters of The Son, the author analyses thetranslating process, describes difficulties encountered in translating the culturalimages and concludes the principle and method of cultural image translating. In thetranslation, the author mainly employs foreignization to keep the cultural connotationsand associations of these cultural images; apart from foreignization, the authoremploys domestication or other methods. This report mainly falls into four parts. The first part is about the task descriptionwhich will have a brief introduction of the novel The Son; the second part is about theprocess description which will mainly talk about the process of the research; the thirdpart as the most important part of this report, will focus on the examples about thetranslation of cultural images taken from the novel; in the fourth part, the author willmake a conclusion of this report.
分 类 号: [H315.9 I046]