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A Project-based Approach to Website Translation

导  师: 莫爱屏

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 当前迅速发展的全球语言服务行业已经逐步向标准化和专业化,客户对高品质翻译服务的需求也在不断增长。为满足这样的需求,众多语言服务公司开始采用翻译项目管理的方法提高其翻译服务的质量和效率。然而,翻译研究并不重视管理方面的问题,这使得理论研究和翻译实践之前形成了差距。 本研究旨在检验采用项目管理的方法在网站翻译中的可行性及其效果。实验挑选10名被试随机分为对照组和实验组(各5人)完成相同的翻译任务:将广东外语外贸大学翻译学研究中心的中文网站内容翻译为英文。实验组在翻译过程中运用了项目管理方法,对照组则采用传统的翻译方式。翻译质量评估采用2名专家评审与译者互评相结合的方式,分别在词汇、句法、语篇层面使用李克特量表进行打分。通过对比实验组和对照组的翻译发现两组的翻译各有其特点,同时证明项目管理理论是切实可行的。统计数据分析和独立样本t检验(使用SPSS16.0所得)表明,实验组和对照组的翻译有显著差异。具体来说,在词汇和语篇层面,实验组的翻译质量明显优于对照组,而在句法层面两组差异并不明显。 实验表明,项目管理方法在翻译实践中具备一定的可行性,其运用于翻译实践中有助于产出高质量的翻译产品。 With the standardization and specialization of global language service industry inrecent years, the demand for high quality translation service is growing rapidly. Tomeet such demands, a lot of translation companies employ translation projectmanagement approach to increase the quality and efficiency of their services.However, translation researchers do not show much interest in project managementacademically, which means there is a gap between theory and practice. This study tries to test the feasibility and effects of project management approachin website translation. In the experiment, ten participants were selected and randomlyseparated into one control group and one experimental group /(each group with fiveparticipants/). The two groups were asked to finish the same translation task: totranslate the contents on the website of the Center for Translation Studies ofGuangdong University of Foreign Studies into English. Project management approachwas employed by the experimental group,while the participants in the control groupconducted the task traditionally. The evaluation of translation quality combines themarks given by the two external examiners with the results of peer review usingLikert scale in semantic, syntactic and discourse aspects. By comparing thetranslations of the experimental group and the control group, it is found that projectmanagement approach works in translation practice, and both groups have their ownfeature. Statistical data and results from independent sample t-test /(using SPSS16.0/)shows that there is significant difference between experimental and control group.Specifically speaking, the translation quality of the experimental group is evidentlybetter than that of the control group in terms of semantic and discourse aspects, whilethe syntactic differences are not obvious. Results of the experiment reveal that project management approach is feasible intranslation practice. And the utilization of this approach helps in producinghigh-quality translation products.

关 键 词: 项目管理 网站翻译 翻译实践

分 类 号: [H315.9]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 陈毅平
作者 穆雷
作者 王少爽
作者 高建军
作者 曹国凤


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏