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Consumerism and Female Identity in Sophie Kinsella's 'Shopaholic Trilogy'

导  师: 刘岩

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 论文运用消费主义与女性身份的相关理论,从购物、时尚与婚礼三个方面解读“少女文学”/(又译为“琪客文学”、“鸡仔文学”或“小妞文学”/)作家索菲·金塞拉的“购物狂三部曲”,即《购物狂的自白》、《购物狂挑战曼哈顿》(或译为《购物狂纽约血拼记》)和《购物狂结婚记》,探究消费主义对女性身份的建构作用。论文首先讨论女主人公丽贝卡对购物的狂热,指出购物空间是一个女性逃离烦恼的空间,有助于减轻身份焦虑;而以自我经济基础支付、满足自我欲望的购物行为也有利于自我身份的建构。然而,过度购物潜藏的“购买强迫症”与经济奴役损害了女性主体身份。论文紧接着讨论丽贝卡对时尚的沉迷问题,论证女性通过运用时尚,表演多种女性化身份,实现身份转化,成为自我的积极建构者,表现出女性主体性。与此同时,过度沉溺时尚也带来对自我与内在美的疏离与异化,有沦为客体的可能。论文讨论的第三个方面是丽贝卡以消费建构的曼哈顿广场酒店婚礼。婚礼前的消费行为、奢华的婚礼本身以及最终仪式的举行,都有利于新娘身份的建构与美化。此外,论文该部分也挖掘与女性身份相关联的性别角色、刻板印象与婚姻等问题。论文最终得出的结论是:索菲·金塞拉的“购物狂三部曲”真实再现了消费主义对女性身份建构的双刃剑本质。一方面,消费主义有助于女性获得自信,实现自立并发现真正的自我;同时,消费主义也可能令女性沦为其受害者。 Applying theories of consumerism and female identity, this thesis studies ChickLit writer Sophie Kinsella’s “Shopaholic Trilogy”, namely Confessions of aShopaholic, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan and Shopaholic Ties the Knot. In the contextof consumerism, with shopping, fashion and wedding as three important aspects, thisstudy examines how consumerism contributes to female identity construction. Tobegin with, centering on the female protagonist Rebecca’s shopping addiction, thethesis argues that the shopping space is a space of escape that eases her anxiety and inshopping, she satisfies her own desires and demonstrates her economic self-reliance,all of which are contributive to gaining the self. Meanwhile, the threats of CompulsiveBuying Disorder and financial enslavement pose destructive impact. The thesiscontinues to explore Rebecca’s fashion indulgence, arguing that fashion is a means ofperforming various feminine identities and achieving identity transformation. Incontrast to Rebecca’s subjectivity in deploying fashion to construct her identities isher alienation from the real self and inner beauty, which results in her objectivity. Inanalyzing the third facet, wedding, the thesis focuses on Rebecca’sconsumption-based Plaza wedding, noting that the pre-wedding consumptionactivities, the lavish wedding per se and the eventual ceremony all facilitate theconstruction and glorification of her bridal identity. The discussion in this part alsoinvolves gender roles, gender stereotypes and marriage in relation to female identity. The thesis concludes that Sophie Kinsella’s “Shopaholic Trilogy” mirrors thedouble-edged-sword nature of the impact of consumerism on female identityformation. Consumerism can help women to gain confidence, to develop self-relianceand to find the true self whereas it may also drive women to become its victims.

关 键 词: 索菲 金塞拉 购物狂三部曲 消费主义 女性身份 建构 解构

分 类 号: [I561.074]

领  域: [文学]


作者 卢迎如
作者 钟文苑
作者 赵静蓉
作者 骆莎
作者 钱超英


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
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