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A Comparative Study of Teachers-as-Raters and External Raters in EFL Writing Assessment: a Case Study

导  师: 曾用强

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 在英语课堂的写作测试上,学生的成绩通常是由他们的授课老师来评定的,而授课老师在长期的教学中已经和学生们建立了一种关系。由此,老师的评分行为不可避免地会受到一些与课堂相关的背景因素的影响,比如教师对学生的期望,课程大纲,教学经验等等。因此,把授课老师评判本班的作文行为和评判其他班的作文行为拿来进行比较,而授课老师与这个其他班之间又完全没关系,这将是值得我们关注的。老师与学生的关系对老师评分行为的潜在影响将为评分员背景差异如何导致评分差异提供一些建议和思路,并从形成性评估和总结性评估的角度来解释这种现象。 为了理解老师与学生的关系对老师评分行为的这种潜在影响,本研究以一场每周英语测试为背景,该英语测试是在一所中国大陆内的高中学校里的两个高二班(总共60人)里进行的。这两个英语老师在按以往的评分习惯评判各自班的作文时,也被要求评判另一个班的作文。在评分过程中,两位老师也可以对作文发表评论,并在评分过后接受采访,采访他们对于本班学生的认识了解程度,他们的教学重点,还有他们对写作构念的理解。 通过混合方差分析,对两位评分员对这两个班级的平均分进行比较。结构显示评分员是一个显著的主因效应,但是班级非显著。评分员和班级之间没有显著交互影响。两个评分员给本班打分都比另一个班高。评分员的评述由两个独立的解码员编码成四大类别:语言,内容,组织和技巧。然后这些类别的频率分布进行独立卡方检验。结果显示在班级,教师和类别间存在显著的三向影响关系。一位老师特别关注组织类别然而另一位觉得这一类别并不那么重要。随后的采访显示两位老师在知晓本班的学生身份时,都倾向于给其更高的分数,为了“鼓励”他们。此外,在评分过程中对不同类别的关注程度反映了教师对作文构念的理解和他们的教学手段。总之,结果显示英语教师与本班的关系对作文评分过程和结果有显著的影响。 然后,通过效度论证本位框架对其定性部分进行分析讨论得出,授课教师在评判本班的作文时考虑了四个效度类别:结构效度(CV),相关性(RU),价值暗示(VI),社会后果(SC)。从总结性评估的角度来看,由教师与班级间的关系所带来的评分差异可以解释为与构念无关的差异。然而,从形成性评估角度来看,教师的评分评分方式只是被看成是他们教学手段的一部分,旨在改善学习环境并提供有效反馈。 In writing tests in the EFL classroom, the students’ performance is typicallyrated by their own teacher, who has built a rapport with the students after teachingthem for a period of time. In this context, it is inevitable that the teacher’s ratingbehavior will be influenced by classroom-related background factors, such as theteacher’s expectations, the syllabus, and teaching experience. It is thus interesting tocompare the teacher’s behavior in rating the writings of his own class, when he hasbuilt a rapport with his students, and his behavior in rating the writings of anotherclass, with whom he has no rapport. The potential effect of the teacher-studentrapport on the teacher’s rating behavior will provide further insight into how raterbackground brings about rater variability, which will then be interpreted from theangles of both summative and formative assessment. To understand the potential effect of the teacher-student rapport on the teacher’srating behavior, an exploratory study was conducted in the context of a weekly testof English in two senior classes /(N=60/) in a senior high school in China. Whilerating the writing samples of their own class as usual, the EFL teachers of the twoclasses were asked to rate the writing samples of the other class as well. Theteachers also commented on the writing samples in the rating process, and wereinterviewed after the rating about their knowledge and expectation of their students,their instructional emphases,as well as their beliefs about writing construct. The mean ratings given by the two raters to the two classes were comparedthrough Mixed ANOVA. The results indicated a significant main effect of raters, butnot of classes. No significant interaction between raters and classes was found. Bothraters gave higher scores to their own class than to the other class. The raters’comments were coded by two independent coders into four major categories: language, content, organization, and mechanism. The chi-square tests ofindependence of the frequency distribution of these comments indicated a significantthree-way association between classes, teachers, and categories. One teacherconsistently emphasized organization while the other played down the importance oforganization. Subsequent interviews showed that when the students’ identity wasknown, both teachers tended to give higher scores to their own students in order to“encourage” them. Furthermore, the emphases on different categories in the ratingprocess reflected the general beliefs of the teachers about the writing construct andin their instructional practices. In summary, teacher-class rapport was found to havean effect on both the process and product of essay rating in the EFL classroom. The qualitative analyses were then discussed in the argument-based frameworkof validity, which revealed some major concepts concerning the teachers’considerations of the four validity categories: construct validity /(CV/),relevance//utility /(RU/), value implication /(VI/), and social consequences /(SC/). Interms of summative assessment, the differences attributable to teacher-class rapportcould be interpreted as construct-irrelevant variance. However, from the perspectiveof formative assessment, the teachers’ rating practices are justified as part of theirteaching practices,aiming at improving the learning context and providing theeffective feedback.

关 键 词: 英语写作测试 评分员专业背景 教师与学生的关系 形成性评估 结构效度

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 冯慧
作者 李丽
作者 李清华
作者 李盛曦
作者 龚雅婧


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州民航职业技术学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟