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Crisis of Masculinity-manipulated Masculinity in the Naked and the Dead

导  师: 张欣

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 20世纪是男性气质研究取得大发展的重要时期。无论是男性学者还是女性学者,共同见证的都是曾经数个世纪以来被认为处于统治地位的男性在这一时期开始逐渐被拉下统治者的神坛。在各个学者的相关研究和努力推动之下,男性已经越来越清楚地认识到曾经被称为统治者的他们事实上面临着比他们自身认为更加严重的男性气质危机。在危机的刺激和男权主义意识形态的影响下,加之对两者加以利用的政治家的推动下,男性所认识到唯一能解决男性气质危机的方法便是证明其完美的男性气质,并通过强硬、冷酷、无感情的行为来加强其自身摇摇欲坠的男性身份。在不同的男性自认为能够证明男性气质并且解决男性气质危机的方法中,有一种方法被认为是最有效且最直接的,那便是战争。原因在于作为男性之间最高规格的同社会性组织,战争充当了男性最重要的能够在男性身份危机中证明其男性气质的工具。此外,正如克劳塞维茨所说,战争无非是政治通过另一种手段的继续。在此条件下,男性涌入战争的行为又为其自身制造了另一种危机被主流男权主义意识形态和别有用心的政治家利用和操纵,以实现其政治目的。男性越是渴望在战争中证明其男性气质,他们陷入的男性气质危机就越是严重。所以,参战的男性士兵并不是男性气质的赢家和两性关系的主宰者,而是被操纵的无辜受害者,他们需要社会的拯救和理解。 在此背景之下,为了能够在男女性别两极分化的社会中为男性气质研究进一步做出阐释,本文运用了约瑟夫普莱克(Joseph H. Pleck)关于性别角色焦虑的理论以及凯西菲利普斯(Kathy J. Phillips)关于战争状态下男性被操纵的理论,试图阐述男性为什么会面临深刻的男性气质危机和挑战,以及他们是怎样对于自身的男性气质危机做出回应和怎样被男权主义意识形态以及政治家操纵的。本文所做的文本分析主要以诺曼梅勒(Norman Mailer)的代表作之一《裸者与死者》为载体,该书以作者亲身经历为线索,真实地反映了战争中男性士兵所体验到的挫败感、男性气质危机、所作出的反应以及结局等等。希望通过本文论述的战争中男性被操纵的问题,战争主要的参与者男性能够某种程度上受到启发,从而不以解决男性气质危机为目的走入战争的屠宰场,进而为阻止冲突和战争的爆发做出贡献。 20thcentury is the period in which the study of masculinity has achieved asignificant development. Men who have been in the dominant position forthousands of years at present are being gradually dethroned by both male andfemale scholars, sprouted by whom men are becoming more and moreconscious that deemed as the dominant species, they are actually encounteredwith a masculine crisis deeper than they think. Influenced by the patriarchalideology and those politicians who take advantage of it, men respond to themasculine crisis via proving their one hundred percent masculinity which ismanifested by the behavior of toughness, ruthlessness and emotionlessness.Among ways in which men think they can resolve their masculinity crisis,there is one that is most effective and most direct, that is the war. Because asthe most superior form of men s homosocial organization, the war serves asone of the most important tools through which men can affirm and prove their masculinity in the era of men s identity crisis. What s more, war is nothing butthe extension of politics. Thus, men s plunging into the war creates forthemselves another crisis being manipulated by the mainstream ideology andpoliticians. The more eagerly men prove their masculinity through the war, thedeeper their masculine crisis are. The soldiers in the war are not winners ofmasculinity and dominants of the gender relationship, but victims andinnocents who are manipulated and need salvation and justification. Thus, set in the background of a sex polarized society and aiming todevelop and give a further study of the study of masculinity, the theory ofSex-Role Strain /(SRS/) put forward by Joseph H. Pleck and Kathy J. Phillipstheory on manipulated masculinity under the condition of war are employed inthis paper in order to answer the very question that why masculinities facechallenges and crisis and how they react and are manipulated. The textanalysis mainly focuses on The Naked and the Dead, one of Norman Mailer smasterpieces, which elaborates the very details of male soldiers frustration,reaction, crisis and endings. Hopefully through analyzing the manipulation ofmasculinity in the war through this novel, the major participant in thewar man can be somehow enlightened and be prevented from entering theslaughter house, thus preventing and solving potential wars and conflicts.

关 键 词: 男性气质 危机 反应 操纵

分 类 号: [I712.074]

领  域: [文学]


作者 刘岩
作者 詹俊峰
作者 孔芳芳


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院
机构 华南师范大学旅游管理系


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青