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Research on Policy Implementation and Improvement of the Specially Contracted Teacher Plan

导  师: 金东海

学科专业: 120403

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北师范大学

摘  要: 农村教育发展的现代化水平反映着一个国家整体教育的发展状况。近年来,世界各主要教育发达国家在推进本国教育改革与发展过程中,都十分重视薄弱地区和贫困地区教育的发展问题。一直以来,我国中西部地区,尤其是这些地区的贫困地区和民族地区,由于教育思想观念落后、师资力量薄弱等因素的影响,其教育发展水平比较落后。为推进基础教育均衡发展,不断缩小教育发展的地区差距,我国从2006年开始在中西部农村地区开始实施特岗计划政策,旨在逐步解决这些地区师资总量不足和结构不合理等问题,形成了坚定的国家承诺和政府责任。 甘肃省从2006年实施特岗计划政策以来,招聘特岗教师的范围和规模逐步扩大,已经成为补充甘肃农村师资的重要新机制。为了进一步了解和熟悉特岗计划在甘肃的实施情况,本研究通过文献分析法、问卷调查法、访谈法以及课堂观察法等研究方法,从特岗计划政策设计与认识情况、实施过程与机制建设以及政策保障与支持体系等方面,对相关地区教育行政部门负责人、设岗学校领导和特岗教师等群体进行了实地调查研究。 通过问卷调查数据统计、访谈内容整理等调研资料综合分析,研究发现:特岗计划政策的实施,缓解了农村师资总量不足的矛盾,优化了农村教师队伍的学历结构、年龄结构、学科结构等素质结构,得到了绝大部分特岗教师的支持。但研究也发现:无论从政策设计、配套政策制定、政策实施,还是支持体系建设方面,特岗计划政策及实施过程中都还存在诸多现实困境。出现这些问题主要是由于特岗计划政策缺乏顶层设计,配套政策不健全,政策实施的标准不严格以及支持体系建设不完善等原因造成的。为了进一步加强和改进特岗计划政策在甘肃的实施,研究提出了以下四方面的对策建议: 一是完善特岗计划政策的顶层设计。鼓励具有更高学历水平的高层次院校毕业生报考特岗教师;加快改革考试制度,逐步均衡特岗教师招录的性别比例;推行更为灵活的特岗计划弹性服务期制度;加快特岗计划培训由规模发展向质量提升转型。不断推进特岗计划政策建设的科学化。 二是建立健全特岗计划的配套政策。依法保障免试推荐在职攻读教育硕士政策的实施;健全服务期内职称评定与评优制度建设。支撑特岗教师事业持续发展,提高特岗计划政策吸引力。 三是严格特岗计划实施的质量建设。从完善招考制度,健全吸引特岗教师赴薄弱学校及教学点任教的激励机制,建立教育优先发展区,提高特岗教师身份认同感和归属感,建立严格的特岗计划所学专业和报考学科一致的标准,以及不断完善特岗教师考核制度建设。 四是加强特岗计划支持体系建设。健全“更加公平,兼顾效率”的特岗计划待遇保障制度,积极改善特岗教师的工作和生活环境,让特岗教师安心从教;形成“轻松、和谐、向上”具有共同发展愿景的特岗教师人际关系生态圈。通过支持体系建设,为特岗计划实施成效最优化提供重要动力。 The modernization level of rural education reflects the development of a country's overall education. In recent years, the whole world, especially those major developed countries, have been attaching great importance to the education in the poor and poverty-stricken areas during the process of promoting their domestic education reform and development. In the past years, influenced by the backward education thoughts, weak teaching forces and other factors, the education in China's central and western areas is relatively backward. In order to balance and develop the basic education and narrow the regional gap gradually, China has been beginning to implement the Specially Contracted Teachers'Plan /(SCTP/) in those ears, aiming to solve the problems, such as teacher shortage and unreasonable structure, and to realize our national commitment and government's responsibility. Since Gansu Province has implemented the SCTP in2006, the scope and scale of recruiting teachers are gradually expanding, and it has become a very important mechanism of Gansu Province. In order to further understand and be familiar with the SCTP, this paper conducts a research on the leaders responsible for the Educational Administration Department, and a gang of school leaders, teachers. The research is about the following aspects:the design and understanding of the SCTP, the process and mechanism construction, and the guarantying policy and support system, with the ways of policy analysis, questionnaire, interview, and class observation. According to the questionnaire, date analysis, rearrangement of the interview and the other information, the implementation of the SCTP is easing the contradiction of rural teacher shortage and optimizing the rural teachers'educational、age、subject、and quality structure and it is supported by most of the Specially Contracted Teachers. But due to the lack of top-design, and unsound supporting system, district standard for the policy, there are still many practical difficulties in the policy design、formulation, supporting system construction, the process of policy implementation. In order to further strengthen and improve the plan in Gansu Province, this paper proposals to make efforts form the following4aspects: Firstly, perfect the top-level design of SCTP. Encourage those college graduates with higher-level education to apply for the job; speed up the examination system reform; balance the gender ratio of new recruited teachers; come up with more flexible service period of teachers; speed up to turn the Specially Contracted Teachers' training from scale development to quality promotion, and continue to make the SCTP more scientific. Secondly, establish the supporting system. Put the policy of Recommended in-service education master into practice efficiently; sound the professional title appraisal and evaluating system during the service period; support the sustainable development of teachers' career and improve the policy's attraction. Thirdly, implement the SCTP strictly with high-quality construction. Perfect the recruiting system; sound the incentive mechanism to attract teachers to those weak schools and teaching schools; give priority to the development of education; improve teachers' identity-sense and sense of belonging; establish a strict standard that teachers' majors are the same with the discipline they apply for; and improving the teachers' evaluating system. Fourthly, strengthen the supporting system construction of SCTP. Stick to the welfare system "more fair and efficient"; improve the working and living environment to ensure teachers without worries, and form a "Easy, Harmony, Positive" relationship between teachers who have the same wish; and construct the supporting system to prove important motivation to implement the SCTP efficiently.

关 键 词: 特岗计划 特岗教师 服务期 教师培训 考核制度

分 类 号: [G525.1]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 龙燕萍
作者 王莹莹
作者 王泽兴
作者 林铤
作者 林冬梅


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 香港中文大学
机构 华南师范大学公共管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟