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Teaching What You Don't Know翻译报告
A Report on the Translation of Teaching What You Don't Know

导  师: 钟书能

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 文本类型对翻译策略具有重要的指导作用。不同的文本类型决定了在翻译时应当采用不同的翻译策略。文本类型理论将文本分成三个类型:信息型文本,表情型文本和感染型文本。其中,信息型文本侧重于内容,它的首要目标是传达信息。在翻译信息型文本时,译者应该针对其侧重内容的特点,用简明、通俗的语言将原文的信息和功能传达给译语读者,以便读者能更好地理解原文的内容。Teaching What You Don’t Know是信息型文本,作者在翻译时采用交际翻译策略及相关的翻译技巧,力图有效地传达原文信息。 本文共分为四个部分:第一部分是简介,主要对原作者、原作品、选题意义和背景理论知识做了相关介绍;第二部分是过程描述,包括译前准备、翻译文本和译后校对。第三部分案例分析是论文的主体部分,译者从标题的翻译、词的翻译、句子的翻译和文化信息的翻译这四个方面举例详述是如何将总体的交际翻译策略和相关的翻译技巧如选词、词类转换、增译、拆分和重组等方法运用到该文本的翻译中,以达到有效实现文本功能和传达文本信息的目的。第四部分是结语,总结了译好信息型文本所应具备的三个必要条件:第一,全面理解文本内容是译好文本的第一步;第二,有效的翻译策略是译好文本的必要条件,在翻译信息型文本时,我们应把交际翻译策略作为总体的翻译策略;第三,实用的翻译技巧是译好文本的重要保障,在翻译信息型文本时,我们可以适当采用选词、词类转换、增译、拆分和重组等具体的翻译技巧。 The translation strategy used for a text is largely decided by its text type. Different texttypes should be translated by different strategies. According to text typology theory, there arethree types of texts: informative texts, expressive texts and vocative texts /(or operative text/).Informative texts are content-focused, and take information-transmission as their primaryobjective. When translating an informative text, the translator should concentrate onmeaning-conveying and reproduce its original information as well as the original function insimple and smooth language so that the target language readers can understand it better.Teaching What You Don’t Know is an informative text. In the process of translating it, thecommunicative translation strategy and the related approaches are employed. This translation report is composed of four parts. The first part is the Introduction, whichbriefly introduces the original writer, the source book, the reason for selecting the book andthe theoretical basis for translating this book. The second part is the Process Description,including the pre-translation preparation, the process of translating and the post-translationquality control. The third part is the Case Analysis, the main body of this thesis. The authorelaborates here how the communicative translation strategy and the related approaches suchas diction, conversion, amplification, division and restructuring are applied to convey theoriginal information effectively from the following four aspects—translation of the book title,words, sentences and the culture information in the process of translation. The last part is theConclusion which summarizes three necessities for translating an informative text well. First,a thorough comprehension of the source text is the first and foremost step in the process oftranslation. Second, an applicable guiding theory is a must. Third, the translator should beequipped with some explicit translation skills.

关 键 词: 信息型文本 交际翻译策略 选词 词类转换 增译法 拆分 重组

分 类 号: [H315.9]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 魏念
作者 孙爱娜
作者 蔡培培
作者 许爱侬
作者 杨玉龙


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学外国语学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏