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Report on the Translation of Iron House /(Chapter1-3/)

导  师: 周建新

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 小说中的惊险小说是当今拥有众多读者的一类小说,其在国外有一百多年的历史,其中有不少作品值得我们翻译介绍。对国外作品的翻译介绍既可以丰富我国读者的阅读材料、知识和想象力,又有利于我国读者熟悉国外社会风貌,促进文化交流。 《铁屋》是美国作家约翰·哈特所著,出版于2011年,关于恐惧、困惑、以及追求爱情与亲情的故事。在翻译中,译者以准确、通顺为目标,结合尤金奈达的功能对等理论,采取了多种具体的翻译技巧。经过本次翻译实践,笔者获益颇多,对翻译有了一些自己的体会。笔者意识到译前的准备、翻译过程的合理安排以及译后的修正和校对是保证翻译质量的前提。此外,对原著的研读和理解也有助于提高翻译的质量。翻译过程中保持平静、稳定的心态对译文的流畅和连贯起着非常重要的作用。 本报告是对《铁屋》中第一章到第三章的翻译过程的总结和思考。正文共分为四部分。第一部分为任务描述,主要是介绍翻译任务、《铁屋》的作者、选取《铁屋》作为翻译对象的理由以及在翻译《铁屋》的过程中所采用的翻译方法等。第二部分为任务过程,其中包括译前准备、翻译过程等;第三部分为案例分析,主要是结合奈达的功能对等理论选取一定数量例子从词语翻译、句子翻译、语篇翻译三个方面来分析,所采取的翻译技巧包括转换、顺译、重构等;最后一部分是问题总结和翻译心得。 Nowadays, thriller novel is a kind of novel with a large number of readers, which has ahistory of more than100years in foreign countries. Many works among those thriller novelsare worth translating and introducing. Translating and introducing foreign works could enrichthe reading materials, knowledge and imagination of Chinese readers, at the same time, it willcontribute to culture exchanges as well as help Chinese readers to learn the view of foreignsociety. Iron House was published in2011, which was written by American writer John Hart. Itmainly talks about fear, confusion, yearning for romantic love and abiding love for the family.During translation, the translator set accuracy and fluency as the goal, taking Eugene Nada’sfunctional equivalence theory as theoretical basis. Meanwhile, several specific translationskills were also used. From this translation practice, the translator gained a lot and had herunderstanding of translation. The translator recognized that pre-translation preparation,reasonable arrangement of translation process, constant revisions and proofreading aftertranslation are prerequisite to guarantee the quality of translation. In addition, careful readingand understanding of the source text are of benefit to improve the quality of the translation. Inthe process of translation, to keep calm and steady contributes to make the target text fluentand coherent. This report summarizes the translation process of chapter one to chapter three from IronHouse, which includes four parts altogether. The first chapter is task description, whichmainly introduces the translation task, the author of Iron House, reasons for choosing IronHouse as the object of translation as well as the translation methods employed to translate thenovel Iron House. Chapter two is process description, including pre-translation preparation,process of translation and after translation management. The third chapter is case analysis. Inthis chapter, Nida’s functional equivalence is employed and a certain number of examples areselected to show how to reflect source text in the target text equally from the aspects of word,sentence and passage, at the same time, specific translation skills like conversion, syntacticlinearity, restructuring are also used. And finally comes the conclusion part, containing theremaining problems as well as knowledge gained.

关 键 词: 词语翻译 句子翻译 语篇翻译 对话翻译 功能对等

分 类 号: [H315.9 I046]

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 何宇靖
作者 邝文霞
作者 王一乐
作者 苏玲玲
作者 刘绍龙


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东培正学院


作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李晓青
作者 肖飞燕
作者 范文嫣