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Research on Small Loans Risk Management to Commercial Banks

导  师: 田秋生;张铁强

学科专业: 0251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 小额贷款指的是在不需要客户提供抵押担保的情况下,为那些分散的低收入阶层、个体户和小微企业提供的一种额度较低的信贷服务。对商业银行而言,小额贷款具有风险较显著,成本高等特征,直接导致商业银行没有动力去积极开拓小额贷款业务。学界在商业银行“要不要发展小额贷款”和“应该怎么样发展小额贷款”这两个问题上一直存在一些不同的看法。 在绪论部分,本文首先指出商业银行加快发展小额贷款业务是形势所需,肯定了商业银行“要发展小额贷款”。接着在“应该怎么样发展小额贷款”这个问题上,本文认为小额贷款的风险较显著是制约商业银行小额贷款的最关键性的因素。因此需要着重解决商业银行小额贷款风险管理问题,这也是本文研究的主题与核心。 通过分析我们发现商业银行小额贷款的风险管理存在三个方面的缺陷:贷前调查所依据的信用评级体系有待完善;贷中审查时,支持小额贷款风险决策的数据分析能力不强;贷后风险管理薄弱。本文从风险管理的流程和机制两方面对其进行优化。机制改革方面,需要进一步优化小额贷款评分模型,丰富信贷征信系统信息,提升数据挖掘与数据分析的能力。流程创新方面,积极拓展第三方评级市场,构建合理的资金闭合回路。通过这两个方面的优化,可以有效提高商业银行小额贷款的风险管理水平,实现商业银行小额贷款的健康持续发展。 最后本文以阿里小贷新型风险管理案例论证了本文的观点。指出阿里小贷在风险管理上的优势——较完整的交易数据库以及相对成熟的信用评价体系,强大的数据分析和数据支持决策能力,独特的封闭流程,恰当的抵押物是其能在竞争激烈的小额贷款市场上脱颖而出的重要原因。 Small loans mean to provide small amounts of credit services for the dispersion oflow-income groups, individuals and small micro enterprises, on the condition of customersdon't need to provide collaterals. Because small loans risk is significant and the cost is high,there is no power for commercial banks to develop small loans business actively, smallloans business is backward. Some controversies exist on “whether or not to develop smallloans” and “how to develop small loans”. This article demonstrates the necessity andfeasibility of developing small loans to commercial banks firstly, answering the first question.And then on this problem of “how to develop small loans”, this article argues that the obviousrisks are the most important factor of small loans to commercial banks. Therefore we need tofind a way to focus on solving risk management of small loans to commercial banks, which isthe theme and core of this article. Through analysis we find three defects about the risk management of the small loans tocommercial banks: the credit rating system which is the basis of the review should beimproved; the ability of data analysis which supports small loans risk decision-making is notstrong; post-loan risk management is weak. So we need innovate the risk managementmechanism of small loans in commercial banks to solve the three aspects of defects. In orderto improve the level of risk management of small loans and develop small loans sustainablyand healthy, this article puts forwards some countermeasures include: consummating thecredit rating system of small loans; developing the third party rating market actively,extending the information sources of the credit investigation system; improving the ability ofdata mining and analysis; building reasonable and closed funds loops. At the end, the case of ali small loans risk management demonstrates the view of thisarticle. Said the advantages of ali small loans on the risk management mechanism, relativelymature credit evaluation system and a complete transaction database, a strong ability of dataanalysis and data to support decision making, unique sealing process and appropriatecollateral are that it can stand out in the fierce competition in the small loans market.

关 键 词: 商业银行 小额贷款 风险管理 阿里小贷

分 类 号: [F832.4]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 吴必翱
作者 陈燕枝
作者 赖新锋
作者 高芳
作者 邱娟华


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东金融学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟