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Case Analysis of Guangdong Rural Credit Cooperatives Financial Information Platform for Demand Management Optimization

导  师: 范闽;赵桂萍

学科专业: 0251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着我国金融网络化的持续发展,作为发展相对落后的全国各省农村信用社,从2003年开始实施了金融信息平台的建设,在这个基础上,全国各省农村信用社的信息化建设得到了快速的发展。广东省联社于2007年1月开始正式启动全省农合机构金融信息平台的建设。经过七年的发展,金融信息平台为广东省各农合机构的发展贡献了不可磨灭的作用。但是随着各农合机构的快速发展,他们对于金融信息平台提出了更高的要求,尤其针对该平台的需求管理方面,因此,针对广东农信金融信息平台需求管理的优化研究十分迫切且必要。 本文主要研究广东农信金融信息平台的需求管理状况。根据需求工程以及需求管理的理论基础对广东农信金融信息平台的需求管理现状进行了分析,在经过了对平台的建造者银信中心的实地调研后,具体分析了现阶段出现问题的原因。再根据相关企业的经验借鉴,得出广东农信金融信息平台需求管理的具体优化措施。最后在前文的基础上对同业金融信息平台需求管理提出一些可借鉴的意见。 广东农信金融信息平台需求管理现阶段出现问题的根源主要包括了内部原因以及外部原因两个方面,内部原因主要从银信中心本身、业务需求室以及信息科技部进行分析;外部原因主要从广东区域经济发展不平衡导致各农合机构发展严重不平衡进行分析。 广东农信金融信息平台需求管理的优化措施包括了五个部分:一是设立业务支持部;二是建立业务需求管理体系,具体来说主要包括建立需求运行平台、重视需求评审、重视需求追踪与需求变更、对需求文档进行配置管理;三是强化银信中心与农合机构以及银信中心内部需求管理的沟通;四是开放需求开发权限,给农合机构提供更多的自主性;五是加强内部人员培训,注重人才培养。 对同业金融信息平台需求管理的启示包括了三个部分,首先是要注重需求管理体系的建设,需求管理应该是一个需求过程全生命周期的管理;其次是要注重沟通的重要性;最后是要注重人才的培养。 As the rural credit cooperatives in China with a relatively backward development, itbegan construction of financial information platform from2003because of China's financialnetwork of sustainable development, on this basis, the information construction of rural creditcooperatives in the provinces get a quick development. The Rural Credit Cooperatives ofGuangdong Province officially started construction of financial information plat form for theprovince's rural credit cooperative in January2007. After seven years of development, thisfinancial information platform contributed an indelible role for the development of the wholerural credit cooperatives in Guangdong Province. However, these rural credit cooperatives putforward higher requirements as their rapid development, especially for the demandmanagement of financial information platform. Therefore, the optimization research ofGuangdong Rural Credit Cooperatives for demand management is very urgent and necessary. This paper studies the situation of demand management in Guangdong Rural CreditCooperatives financial information platform. According to the theoretical basis of demandengineering and demand management, the status of demand management in financialinformation platform is analyzed, and the reasons is also analyzed in detailed after a fieldresearch in the builder of this financial information platform--Rural Credit CooperativesInformation Center. Finally, learn from the experience of the relevant companies, we obtainedoptimization measures for the demand management of Guangdong Rural Credit Cooperativesfinancial information platform. The root cause of the demand management issue for this financial information platformincludes the internal factors and external factors both, the internal factors are mainly analyzefrom the Guangdong Rural Credit Cooperatives itself, as well as the Business RequirementDepartment and the Information Technology Department; external factors, mainly analyzefrom the imbalance development of rural credit cooperatives in Guangdong Province becauseof Guangdong regional economic imbalance development. Financial information platform demand management optimized measures include thefive parts: First, the establishment of Business Support Department; Second, to establishbusiness demand management system, specifically including the establishment of demandoperating platform, emphasis on the demand assessment, attention to the needs andrequirements change tracking, and demand for configuration management on the requirementsdocument; third is to strengthen the communication between the Guangdong Rural CreditCooperatives and its affiliates; fourth is open requirements development rights to all rural credit cooperatives in Guangdong to provide more autonomy. Fifth, strengthen internalpersonnel training and personnel training. Revelation for the same industry of financial information platform for demandmanagement includes three parts, first is to pay attention to the construction of demandmanagement system, demand management should be a process needs whole life cycle ofmanagement; The second is to pay attention to the importance of communication; The last isto strengthen the cultivation of talents.

关 键 词: 金融信息平台 需求管理 优化措施

分 类 号: [F832.35]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 李龙凤
作者 何宇庆
作者 尤琪
作者 王志妮
作者 饶星


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟