导 师: 刘国臻
学科专业: 0351
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: “三旧”改造最初是国土资源部赋予广东土地利用的创新政策。近年来,全国已有多个城市试点探索“三旧”改造,实践中取得了一定成效,其中以“佛山模式”最为典型,广州市、东莞市等地经验也值得借鉴。目前学界对“三旧”改造专门系统的理论研究寥若晨星,国家层面立法上也没有直接有关的规定,主要依据各政策文件和改造方案。“三旧”改造过程中涉及房地产征收问题,包括公共利益判定机制、补偿标准的法律适用、征收程序等问题均值得深入研究。本文通过对以上法律问题的研究,以期对规范“三旧”改造,完善房地产征收提供参考。 本文分四部分:第一部分阐述了“三旧”改造的内涵和政策背景,以佛山市部分典型例子,具体分析“三旧”改造中政府、村集体和开发商的作用,最后从国有土地和集体土地两个角度解析“三旧”改造的运作模式;第二部分探讨公共利益范围的具体规定方式和公共利益判定中存在的判定主体不明、标准不一、缺乏法律约束及程序规范等障碍的基础上,具体分析“三旧”改造中房地产征收的公共利益问题;第三部分阐明公平补偿原则是“三旧”改造中房地产征收较好的原则,在分析“三旧”改造中房地产征收公平补偿原则面临法律适用不足、补偿标准缺失、集体资产权属模糊等困境的基础上,对克服公平补偿原则的路径依赖提出完善对策;第四部分分析“三旧”改造中房地产征收正当程序公共利益判定的独立环节的缺失、被征收人参与权和知情权的保护不足、救济措施不完善等方面的缺陷,借鉴境外及其他地区先进经验,探求“三旧”改造中房地产征收正当程序的建设路径。 'Three old' transformation was originally the ministry of land and resources to theinnovation of the land use policy in Guangdong. Pilot exploration in recent years, variouscities across the country had been 'three old' transformation, certain achievements have beenmade in the practice, of which the most 'Foshan model' typical, Guangzhou, Dongguan andother places experience is worth using for reference. Current perspectives on the theoreticalresearch of the system of 'three old' transformation of special request, the national level alsonot directly relevant legislative provisions, mainly on the basis of the policy document andretrofit scheme.'Three old' transformation involved in real estate tax issues, including publicinterest determination mechanism, the compensation standard of the applicable law, procedureand other issues are worth further study. In this paper, based on the research of the above legalissues, in order to standardize the 'three old' transformation, offer reference to perfect the realestate expropriation. This paper points four parts:The first part expounds the connotation of 'three old'transformation and policy background, Foshan city, with some typical examples, the concreteanalysis of the 'three old' transformation of the role of the government, village collectivesand developers, the final from two aspects: state-owned land and collective land of resolvingthe 'three old' transformation of operation mode; The second part discusses the public interests and public interests to judge ruled thatexist in the main body, different standards, lack of legal constraints and obstacles, such asprogram specification, on the basis of detailed analysis of the 'three old' transformation ofreal estate expropriation problem of public interests;The third part expounds faircompensation principle is 'three old' transformation of the real estate a good principle, on theanalysis of the 'three old' transformation of the real estate fair compensation principle facethe shortage of legal application, loss of compensation standard, collective ownership, etc, onthe basis of fuzzy to overcome path dependence puts forward some countermeasures toimprove the fair compensation principle;The fourth part analysis the 'three old'transformation of the real estate on the lack of due process in the public interest to judgeindependent link, insufficient participation and the protection of the right to knowexpropriated, imperfect remedy defects etc., drawing lessons and advanced experience fromforeign countries and other areas, to explore 'three old' transformation of the construction ofthe real estate expropriation due process path.
关 键 词: 三旧 改造 征收 公共利益 公平补偿 正当程序
分 类 号: [D922.3]
领 域: [政治法律]