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Discusses the Expert Auxiliary System of the Civil Litigation in Our Country

导  师: 黄娟

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 2012年8月,新修订的民事诉讼法明确规定了当事人有权申请具有专门知识的人出庭对涉案的专业问题提出意见。这样的立法举措是因为:一方面,越来越多涉及专业问题的纠纷涌入法院,法官对鉴定结论的高度依赖使得当事人对审判结果多有不满,损害了是司法正义和司法权威;另一方面,随着当事人诉讼权利意识的苏醒,在案件审理的过程中,当事人更加注重是否得到公平的待遇。引入专家辅助人制度使得当事人拥有足以抗衡鉴定意见的机会;最后,在民事诉讼更加注重当事人主义的实现时,专家辅助人制度能够更好地平衡双方当事人的利益,实现有效的对抗。但是,由于法律对专家辅助人制度只进行了原则性规定,笔者从专家辅助人的概念出发,深入分析探讨专家辅助人的制度建设。本文主要分为以下四个部分: 第一部分,对我国民事诉讼中专家辅助人制度的进行概述。首先,对专家辅助人的概念及其特征进行分析和论述。然后,深入分析我国专家辅助人制度的立法背景,包括当事人不能对涉案的专业问题进行有效分析、当事人无法对鉴定意见作出有效质证等。再次,本文将立法内容出发,列举我国现行法律中涉及专家辅助人的内容。最后,在这立法背景下,进一步探讨专家辅助人制度存在的问题。 第二部分,深入研究专家辅助人的诉讼地位及作用,这是本文的重点部分。由于我国立法还没明确专家辅助人的诉讼地位,学界与司法界对专家辅助人的具体诉讼地位有不同看法,因此,明确专家辅助人的诉讼地位显得尤其重要。为此,笔者也提出了关于专家辅助人诉讼地位的看法,并对此进行了详细的说明。最后,在确定专家辅助人诉讼地位的基础上,明确提出专家辅助人意见的作用。 第三部分,深入探究专家辅助人制度的内容,这也是本文的重要部分。本章主要从实体和程序两方面来论述专家辅助人制度的内容。在具体规范方面,主要论述了专家辅助人资格与审查、权利与义务、专家辅助人的法律责任等。这为下面的程序构建打下了坚实的基础。在方式和程序方面,主要是专家辅助人制度的启动、专家辅助人的退出与救济及其证据的可采性等方面进行详细的论述。 第四部分,对完善我国专家辅助人制度的其他保障性措施提出建议。首先,要保障专家辅助人的知情权与参与权;其次,要加强专家辅助人的行业管理;再次,重视专家辅助人的人身安全保障;第四,要明确专家辅助人的费用标准。 In2012August, the newly revised code of civil procedure issued. Articleseventy-ninth specifies that the parties can apply for people with expertise to participate inthe proceedings,which in purpose for putting forward opinions of professional issues.Thereason for legislation is:On the one hand,more and more disputes which involved inprofessional issues into the court.The judge is highly dependent on the appraisal conclusionmakes the parties are dissatisfied with the result of the trial,which damage to the judicialjustice and judicial authority;On the other hand,along with the consciousness of thelitigation rights of the parties concerned,in case,the parties pay attention to the equality oftreatment.Introduction of expert assisted system makes the parties have enough power tocontend with the expert opinion.Finally,in the civil litigation to pay more attention to theadversary,the expert assistant system can better balance the interests of both parties,toachieve effective against.However,because of the law of expert assisted system onlyprovides for the principle,the author from the concept of the expert assistant starting,in-depth analysis the construction of expert auxiliary.This paper is divided into thefollowing four parts: The first part,the author discussed the expert in civil litigation of China's basicdiscussion. First, the author discusses the concept and characteristics of assistedexpert.Then,the author analyzes the legislative background of the expert assisted system,including the parties cannot carry out effective analysis,the parties unable to make effectiveexamination of the expert opinions.Third,in the content of legislation,the author lists ourassisted expert content relates to the current law.Finally,in the legislative background,theauthor further discusses the existing problems of expert assisted system. The second part,the author studies the litigation status and the role of the assistedexpert,which is the key part of this paper.First,the author discusses the legal status oftheory about how to set up assisted expert.Second,the author clearly put forward the legalstatus of expert assisted.Because the litigation status of our legislation is not clear,there aredifferent views of specific litigation between the academic circles and thejudiciary.Therefore,the author also put forward on the auxiliary expert status in litigation views,and carried on making detailed description.Secondly,make compare with the expertassistant,identification of human and litigation agent.Finally,based on determining theexpert assistant litigation status,the author puts forward clearly evidence attribute ofauxiliary expert opinion. The third part,using the rules to build the expert assistant system,this is also animportant part of this paper.This chapter mainly from the two aspects of entity andprocedure to discuss the specific application rules of expert assisted system.In the entityaspect,the author mainly discusses the expert assistant qualification and examination,therights and obligations and legal responsibilities.This has laid a solid foundation for buildingprogram.In the procedure,the author mainly discusses the startup of expert assistantsystem;participate in the specific procedures for trial;the exit and other relief. The fourth part,the author gives some suggestions to perfect our expert assistedsystem in other security measures.First of all,protect the participation right of assistedexpert;secondly,strengthen industry management of assisted expert;thirdly,pay attentionto professional support to the personal security;fourth,clear the expert assistant’s standardcosts.

关 键 词: 专家辅助人 专家 诉讼程序 诉讼地位

分 类 号: [D925.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 赵蕾
作者 巢志雄
作者 刘轩
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机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 广东财经大学
机构 深圳大学法学院


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作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
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