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The Presumption and Its Judicial Application

导  师: 徐松林

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 刑事推定是一种事实认定的辅助方法,它以基础事实与推定事实间的常态联系为前提,在没有反驳或反驳不成立的情况下,当证据证明了基础事实的存在即可直接认定推定事实的存在。通过对刑事推定的理论梳理,明晰推定的特征及其一般适用规则。在风险社会的背景下,刑事推定的适用有其必然性和合理性:一方面它能够破解诉讼僵局,提高诉讼效率;另一方面,它在限制国家权力、保障被告人人权方面也起着重要作用。但在通常情况下,司法实践所适用的推定是不利于被告人的推定,对此必须加以严格限制。 传统的推定分类值得商榷:刑事推定依据的是事实间的常态联系,常态联系所具有的高度盖然性特征决定了推定在逻辑上存在例外情况,因此不可反驳的推定是不成立的。而推定均是对事实的认定,将其分为法律推定与事实推定也是不准确的。由于推定事实是法律上必须予以认定的事实,这类事实均是体现违法性或有责性的犯罪构成要件事实,因此,我们可以依据二阶层的犯罪构成理论重新确定推定的分类标准:以违法性为标准,将其分为客观违法事实的推定与主观违法事实的推定;以有责性为标准,将其分为客观有责事实的推定与主观有责事实的推定,并以上述分类为基础,对刑法个罪中的推定分别进行论述。 Criminal presumption is an auxiliary method in fact-finding. It is based on thepremise of the normal links between the foundation facts and the presumption of fact.By combing through the theory of criminal presumption, the characteristics andgeneral applicable rules of presumption are clarified. In the context of the risk society,the application of the criminal presumption has its inevitability and rationality. On theone hand, it can break litigation stalemate, improve the efficiency of the lawsuit. Onthe other hand, it plays an important role in limiting state power and guaranteeing thehuman rights of defendants. However, under normal circumstances, the presumptionapplied in the judicial practice is not conducive to the defendant, so it should bestrictly limited as a consequence. The traditional presumption classification is debatable. The presumption is basedon the normal link between facts. The characteristics of high degree of probabilitydetermines that the irrefutable presumption is not established.At the same time, thepresumption is used to find face. So dividing it into legal presumption and factpresumption is accurate. We can determine the classification of presumptionaccording to the second-class crime constitution theory. According to the illegality,the presumption will be divided into presumption of objective illegality fact andpresumption of subjective illegality fact. According to the accountability, thepresumption will be divided into presumption of objective accountability fact andpresumption of subjective accountability fact.

关 键 词: 刑事推定 分类 司法适用

分 类 号: [D915.3]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 王志芳
作者 俞利平
作者 刘洪
作者 夏正林
作者 石守斌


机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广东警官学院法律系


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作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
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作者 张光亚