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Introduction of Social Work in the People's Mediation

导  师: 黄娟

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 人民调解制度是我国多元化纠纷解决机制的重要组成部分,长期以来,人民调解在基层社会纠纷解决中发挥了重要的作用。然而随着社会的转型,目前人民调解制度在自治性、组织构成、调解方式、人员素质等方面都存在与社会现实状况不相符的问题,使得其面临着难以发挥应有作用的困境。而社会工作产生于现代工业社会,其目的在于帮助个人和社会解决问题,同样立足于基层社会,关注基层社会关系的维护和改善。二者同属新型社会管理的方式,在价值目标、组织结构、工作方法等许多方面上都有着接近之处,而社会工作中处理社会关系的经验方法在人民调解中同样能够发挥作用。社会工作虽然在我国的发展起步较晚,本土化模式尚在探索之中,但当前社会工作的发展得到我国政府的大力推动,在政策和资金上都得到政府的支持。因此,引入社会工作对于改善人民调解面临的各种问题有积极意义。近年来在实践中也出现了各种将社会工作引入人民调解制度的尝试。 本文首先通过介绍人民调解制度面临的问题及导致这些问题产生的社会背景,并介绍社会工作对这些社会变化的适应性,探讨将社会工作引入人民调解的原因和可能性。同时对目前实践中尝试将社会工作引入人民调解的各种具体方式做了一个简要介绍,并初步分析了其中存在的问题,简单探讨了完善引入方式的途径。 The people's mediation system is an important part of China’s dispute resolution system.For a long time, the people's mediation plays an important role in the grass-roots level.However, there are some problems on it’s autonomy, organization, work method andmediator’s quality. With the transformation of the society, the people’s mediation systemencountered the inadaptation to the social reality. These reasons lead to the failure of thepeople’s mediation system in some aspects. Social work grew out of the modern industrysociety. It’s aim is to help people and the society solving problems. It also based on thegrass-roots level society,focusing on the improvement of social relationship. Both the people’smediation and the social work are the new type of social management. There are similaritiesbetween them such as the value goal, operation, principles and functions. And the advancedtheory and method of social work can also be applied to the people’s mediation.Social work’sdevelopment in China started relatively late. It’s localization is still under exploration. But it’sdevelopment is now supported by government in policy and funds. For these reasons, theintroduction of social work may have positive effects on the perfection of the people’smediation. In recent years, the try of introducing social work into the people's mediation haveemerged in practice. This paper introduced the problems that the people's mediation system faced and thesocial conditions that lead to these problems, the adaption of social work to these socialconditions. After that this paper discussed the reason and possibility of introducing socialwork into the people's mediation. At the same time,by presenting a brief introduction on thecurrent practice and analyzing the deficiency in practice, discussed the approach forimprovement.

关 键 词: 人民调解 社会工作 纠纷解决

分 类 号: [D926]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 宋煜
作者 宋明
作者 彭箫剑
作者 黄桂洪
作者 祝嘉骏


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东青年职业学院
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚