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On the Legal Risks and Prevention of We Media

导  师: 李旭东

学科专业: 0351

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 自媒体在我国取得了爆发式的发展,无论是博客还是微博,都在我国拥有过亿的用户群体,并且在传播信息、还原事件真相、形成社会舆论、监督公权力等等方面发挥出重要的作用。 伴随自媒体的发展,它本身存在的一些问题也变得日益明显,如:虚假信息、低俗内容在自媒体中传播;网民忽略言论自由的权利边界而权利滥用、网络暴力时常出现、自媒体运营商的商业诉求等,都在影响着自媒体的良性发展,而自媒体不能靠自身机制去解决这些问题。同时,拥有媒体把控和舆论操作传统的行政力量并不会放任自媒体的问题愈演愈烈,这就加剧了自媒体被行政力量进一步干预的风险。而目前我国对媒体和互联网的监管和立法存在明显的问题:立法层级较低、法律侧重监管需要而不注重公民权利的保障、行政化监管任意性强而公开透明性弱等等,这些都成为了自媒体的法律风险。因此通过重视自媒体体现的公民的言论自由权利,对自媒体的言论自由进行立法保护成为需要。 在防范自媒体面临的法律风险时,还应该意识到并强调,自媒体与其说是一种媒体,不如说是一种互联网信息平台,其中的信息既有公开性、媒体性、社会性的内容,也有私密性、个人性、非媒体性的内容。因此,不能简单的将自媒体与已有的媒体形式纳入相同的管理,因为自媒体体现的言论自由较之已有媒体的新闻自由具有更基本、更重要的作用,也更加的不容侵犯。 要实现对自媒体的言论自由的有效保护,要拒绝用规制传统媒体的手段来管理自媒体,更要从法律上确定对自媒体的保护原则。首先,从积极的方面来讲,要确立人权保障原则、适当比例原则和切实危害原则,在明确自媒体的言论自由边界的前提下,防止公权力以假象的危害可能性干预自媒体的言论自由。其次,从消极方面来讲,要明确对于自媒体上进行的价值判断、情绪发泄,不得以“正确标准”“政治标准”“新闻价值标准”等作为其允许发布的前提,而公权力也不得以网络过滤技术等方式限制自媒体用户批评和讨论的议题范围。 We Media has achieved explosive growth in our country. Both blog and micro-blog havehad billions of users in our country. They play an import effect in the dissemination ofinformation, restore of the truth, the formation of public opinion, oversight of publicpower, etc. However, when attach importance to the role of We Media of social communication, weshould also be aware that, We Media is not so much a medium as it is a platform forinternet information, whose information includes not only open, media, social content,but also private, personal, non-media content. Therefore, We Media can not be simplyput into the same management as the existing forms of media, as the freedom of speechreflected in We Media is of more fundamental and more important role, and thus moreinviolable, as compared to existing media. We Media itself is plagued by issues, such as: the spread of false information and vulgarcontent in We Media, users right abuse due to the ignorance of the boundary of therights of free speech, often occurrence of network violence, We Media operator'sbusiness demands, etc. All these issues are affecting the sound development of We Media,and they can not be solved by relying on its own mechanism. To achieve effective protection of the freedom of speech of We Media, We not only rejectto manage We Media by means of regulations of traditional media, but determine theprotection principles for We Media from the law. Firstly, on the positive side, toestablish the principles of human rights, social welfare principles and tangible harmprinciple, to prevent the intervention of the public authority to the freedom of speech ofWe Media by illusion of possibility of harm. Secondly, on the negative side, it must beclear that those 'correct standards','political criteria','newsworthy standards' maynot be applied as the premise of the release of value judgments and emotional venting inWe Media, and public authority may not restrict topics range of We Media users'criticism and discussion by means like network content filtering.

关 键 词: 自媒体 法律风险 言论自由

分 类 号: [D922.16]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 赵春旭
作者 窦超
作者 江琴
作者 熊艺
作者 邓晓璇


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚