导 师: 徐松林
学科专业: 0351
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 非法集资的问题,一直是我国金融管理中面临的一大难题。特别是集资诈骗罪,随着市场的繁荣,集资诈骗的手段呈现出多样化和不断升级的特点,给司法认定带来了很大的困难。“吴英案”“曾成杰案”等案件的曝光,使得集资诈骗罪再次成为了社会热议的一个话题。我国民间融资活动兴起为民营经济的发展提供了契机。然而,由于集资诈骗罪在“诈骗方法”及“非法占有目的”的认定上存在偏差,导致对民间集资活动的打击范围过宽,恶化了民营企业的融资环境。在该罪以往的研究当中,多数学者是从刑法规范学的角度对该罪的犯罪构成要件进行分析。而本文针对司法实践中对该罪打击力度过大的问题,主要结合金融领域的独特性,从刑法实质论的角度出发,认为应当限制集资诈骗罪的适用范围。首先,要审慎认定“非法占有目的”,在刑事推定过程中坚持主客观相统一的原则;其次,笔者认为可以将社会领域区分为生活领域、专业领域以及投机领域,在这三个领域中“诈骗方法”的认定标准应当越来越严格;最后,除了实体上的严格把握,可以优先适用民事程序来限制对该罪的适用。另外,本文认为对集资诈骗罪应当废除死刑,并对废除死刑的必要性进行了分析。 The problem of illegal fund-raising has been a major problem of financial management.With the prosperity of the market, diversification means of fund-raising fraud, the judiciary isdifficult to identify fund raising fraud. As the exposure of “Wuying” case and “ZengChengjie”case, financial fraud has become a hot topic once again. The rising of private financingactivities provided an opportunity for the private economy. However, due to the deviation inthe 'method of fraud' and 'illegal possession' of fund-raising fraud, it blows fund-raisingfraud too widely, also deteriorating of the private enterprise financing environment. Inprevious studies of fund-raising fraud, Most scholars do the research of the crime constitutionof fund-raising fraud from the perspective of normative science. However, for the problem ofexcessive crackdown, my paper mainly focuses on the uniqueness of the financial sector,starting from the point of view of substantive criminal law, we should limit the scope of thecrime of. fund-raising fraud. Firstly, we should carefully consider the 'purpose of illegalpossession' and adhere to the principle of unity of subjective and objective process in thecriminal presumption. Secondly, I believe that the social field can be divided into areas of life,as well as speculation field and professional field. The standard of 'Fraud approach' shouldbe more and more stringent in these three fields. At last, In addition to strictly controlling theentity, we also can prevail in civil proceedings to restrict the application of the crime. Inaddition, the paper argues for abolish the death penalty in fund-raising fraud and analyzed thenecessity of it.
分 类 号: [D924.3]