导 师: 方俊
学科专业: 1252
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
摘 要: 食品安全一直是政府和人民群众密切关注的话题,它关系着个人的身体健康,关系着家庭的幸福,关系着社会的和谐稳定与发展,关系着政府和国家的形象,更关系着人类的生存、发展和繁衍生息。为了有效监管我国的食品质量安全,国家质检总局确立了以食品质量安全市场准入制度为基础的食品安全监管体系,所以我国的食品安全和质量有了明显的提升。但在食品企业之外,我国还存在着大量的食品生产加工小作坊(以下简称小作坊)。由于小作坊数量巨大、素质不高、设备简陋等原因使得小作坊的产品存在着严重的安全隐患。小作坊也成为质监部门监管的难点。笔者以自己工作所处的广东连平县为例重点研究在现行的食品监管体系下构建具有有效性小作坊的食品监管模式。本文主要分为五个部分: 第一章为绪论。主要是简要介绍了本论文的研究背景、研究意义、国内外的研究现状、研究方法和研究的主要问题等。 第二章为连平县小作坊质量安全监管现状。本章分为两个部分:第一部分主要介绍小作坊的历史沿革。第二部分主要是在结合广东省连平县小作坊特点的基础上总结我国小作坊的现状。 第三章为连平县小作坊质量安全监管存在问题的成因分析。在本章主要分析在现有的小作坊监管体系方面存在的主要问题,并从理论和现实方面对监管体系中存在的问题进行深刻的分析,得出连平县小作坊质量安全监管存在问题的原因。 第四章为国外发达地区食品质量安全监管的经验借鉴。在本章介绍了欧美日等发达国家和地区的食品监管模式,包括食品安全监管机构、食品安全监管制度和食品安全监管特点。并对他们之间的做法进行分析,吸其精华,弃其糟粕,得出对我国食品安全监管的启示,为完善我国的小作坊监管提供一些借鉴。 第五章为提升小作坊质量安全监管功效的对策思考。通过本论文前述的关于我国小作坊在监管中存在的主要问题和成因分析,借鉴欧美日等发达国家在食品质量安全监管方面的一些有益做法,提出符合我国实际的小作坊食品安全监管对策。这些对策包括完善小作坊法律体系、建立小作坊市场准入制度、建立小作坊产品信息发布制度、创新小作坊的监管手段和完善食品安全绩效考核机制等。 Food safety has been the topic which the government and people pay close attention to, itrelates to the individual's physical health, family’s happiness, harmony and stableness anddevelopment of the society, the government and the country's image, even the survival,development and reproduction of human beings. In order to effectively monitor China foodquality safety, Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine/(AQSIQ/)established a food quality and safety supervision system based on the market access system offood safety. Therefore, the quality of China's food safety has been significantly improved.However, in addition to the food business, there are still a lot of food production andprocessing small workshops /(hereinafter referred to as a small workshop/). Due to the reasonsof huge number of small workshops, low quality, simple and crude equipments etc., there areserious potential safety hazards in the products of small workshops. Small workshops havebecome the difficulties of quality supervision. The author takes Lianping County, GuangdongProvince as an example to focus on the countermeasures of constructing food supervision inthe current food supervision. This paper is divided into five parts: The first chapter is an introduction. It mainly introduces the research background,significance, domestic and foreign countries’ current research, research methods and themajor issues of research. The second chapter is the current status of small workshops. The first part of this chapterfocuses on the origin of small workshops’ food quality and safety issues. The second partintroduces the current status of China's small workshops and combine Lianping county’sactual situation to summarize the characteristics of small workshops. The third chapter is causes analyzing on the difficulty of the supervision on smallworkshops. This chapter main analyzes the main issues of small workshops in the existingregulatory system, and makes a deep analyzing theoretically and practically and find out thereason. The fourth chapter takes domestic and foreign countries successful experience asreference. This chapter will introduce some good practices in the food supervision and thegovernment in various regions and other developed countries of Europe and America and alsotake some excellent practices of small workshop supervision in China as reference. Thenmakes analyzing on the practices. Take its essence and abandoned its dross, thus provide somereference to improve small workshop supervision of food. The fifth chapter is the countermeasures to small workshops. It proposes appropriatecountermeasures of food safety to small workshops in China in line with China's actualsituation by the cause analysis of main issues and regulatory difficulties of small workshopsproposed in this article and learn some excellent practices in developed countries such asEurope, America and other excellent practices all over China. The countermeasures includeimprove the legal system of small workshops, establish the market access system of smallworkshops, establish the product information release system of small workshops, innovatemeasures of supervision of small workshops and improve the food safety performanceassessment mechanism etc.
分 类 号: [F203 F426.82]