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Study of Government's Impact on Transformation and Upgrading of Yangjiang Hardware Cutlery Industry

导  师: 李文彬;莫纯銮

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 产业的转型升级是现阶段推进产业健康发展的迫切要求,也是进一步调整产业发展方向、促进传统优势工业转型升级、促进经济健康可持续发展的重要举措。而产业转型升级是目前我国经济实现持续稳健发展的关键和支撑,是优势传统产业保持健康发展的突破口和着力点。在实践中,地方政府行为对产业转型升级的影响是不言而喻的。从国内外的产业转型升级的成功经验可以看出,在产业转型升级过程中,企业是转型升级的主体,扮演着主要角色,但是政府发挥着宏观调控的职能,是有力的推手。在一定意义上说,对于产业的转型升级,政府起着主导性的作用。 本文以阳江市的五金刀剪这一传统产业转型升级为研究对象,重点探讨产业转型升级中地方政府所发挥的作用。首先通过文献研究,指出传统产业转型升级的必要性,再对政府及其职能部门在推动产业转型升级中的作用进行综述,为阳江市政府推动五金刀剪产业转型升级的必要性、重要性提供理论支撑;然后对五金刀剪产业的历史形成、基本情况、转型升级的目标、取得的成效及存在的问题进行阐述,分析五金刀剪产业的现状;随后对阳江市政府在推动五金刀剪产业转型升级中发挥的规划调节、政策导向作用进行全面的总结分析,并对存在的不足进行分析,如没有出台专门扶持五金刀剪企业转型升级的优惠政策,产业发展规划制定不够细化;政策扶持力度有待加大,在共性关键技术攻关、行业信息的捕捉等方面的支持和帮助不足;服务机制单一,服务企业意识有待增强;对产业的监督管理力度有待加大等;接着对“市场失灵”、新公共管理理论、新公共服务理论、竞争优势理论等理论从不同角度佐证政府推动产业转型升级的重要性及必要性,并对广东省东莞市、浙江省台州市、日本政府、美国政府等国内外政府在推动产业转型升级中的做法进行了分析总结,提出政府在引导扶持产业转型升级时要借鉴一些好经验做法,如制定科学的产业政策、兼顾各类企业的发展、重视科学技术、注意循序渐进等;最后,对阳江市政府推动五金刀剪产业转型升级提出了建议,建议阳江市政府要制定产业发展规划、加大政策扶持力度、加大服务力度、加强监督管理等,进一步促进五金刀剪产业转型升级,助推经济发展。 Industrial transformation and upgrading is the urgent request of the healthy developmentof the industry in the present stage,as well as the important measures to further adjustmentof industries, promotion of transformation and upgrading for traditional industries andsustainable development of the economic health. Moreover, industrial transformation andupgrading is the key and support to the sustained and steady development of our countryeconomy, the breakthrough and focus for the healthy development of the traditionaladvantage industry. In practice, the local government behavior has great influence onindustrial transformation and upgrading. From the successful experience of domestic andforeign industrial transformation and upgrading,it can be seen that enterprise plays a mainpart while the government plays the macroeconomic regulation and control function, or rathera powerful driving force in the process of transformation and upgrading of industry, localgovernment plays the role of a planning and regulation, policy guidance, the public service,market supervision, and so on. In a certain sense, the government plays a dominant role inthat process. This article does a survey on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries,the hardware knife, mainly discussing the role of local government. First,points out thenecessity of the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, then summarize thefunctions of the government and its role in promoting the transformation and upgrading ofindustry, which provide theoretical support to the necessity and importance of pushinghardware knife. Second,analyze the history, basic situation, the goals, results and existingproblems as well as the present situation of hardware knife industry; Third, analyze Yangjianggovernment’s planning regulation and policy guidance in promoting hardware knife industry,including the deficiencies such as lack of preferential policy, to support the transformationand upgrading of the industry development; the plan of industry development not detaliedenough; the policy support is to be strengthened because of lack of the support and help inresearching common key technology and capturing industry information; Single servicemechanism, service enterprise consciousness remains to be enhanced; the supervision andmanagement of industrial should be strengthened, etc.; Then prove the 'market failure', the new public management theory, new public service theory,competitive advantage theoryfrom different points so as to evidence that the government promote the importance andnecessity of industrial transformation and upgrading, domestic and foreign government likeDongguan city/(Guangdong province/), Taizhou city/(Zhejiang province/), Japan, the UnitedStates, are promoting the practice of industrial transformation and upgrading. Also, It was putforward that the government should adopt some good experience in practice in guidingindustrial transformation and upgrading, such as making scientific industry policy, givingattention to both the development of all kinds enterprise, attaching great importance toscience and technology, paying attention to the gradual, etc; Finally, suggestions are listed forYangjiang government to promote transformation and upgrading hardware knife industry, likeformulating industry development planning, adding policy support, strengthening service,thesupervision and management, etc., so as to further promote transformation and upgrading ofhardware knife industry and boost economic development.

关 键 词: 刀剪产业 转型升级 地方政府 政府作用

分 类 号: [F426.8 D630]

领  域: [经济管理] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 陈瑞英
作者 唐贤衡
作者 庄思哲
作者 王昉
作者 周道生


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚